I think there’s some room for potential iteration here.
The Presidential Guard (Greek: Προεδρική Φρουρά, romanized: Proedrikí Frourá) is a ceremonial infantry unit that guards the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Presidential Mansion in Athens, Greece.
The King’s Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard is a bodyguard of the British monarch. The oldest British military corps still in existence, it was created by King Henry VII in 1485 after the Battle of Bosworth Field.
Issue one of those as battle dress.
Originally I misremembered and thought that San Marino’s Crossbow Corps were Luxembourg’s. San Marino isn’t in NATO, so unfortunately, I think that crossbows are out as primary issue weapon:
EDIT: Oh, yes. There’s no land mine covered. Let’s do the chicken-warmed nuclear landmine. I’m fairly sure that the potential for a complete mess here is pretty good.
Blue Peacock, renamed from Blue Bunny and originally Brown Bunny, was a British tactical nuclear weapon project in the 1950s.
The project’s goal was to store a number of ten-kiloton nuclear land mines in Germany.
Chicken-powered nuclear bomb
A technical problem is that during winter, the temperature of buried devices can drop quickly, creating a possibility that the mechanisms of the mine will cease working due to low temperatures in the winter.[5] Various methods were studied to solve this problem, such as wrapping the bombs in insulating blankets.
One proposal suggested that live chickens would be sealed inside the casing, with a supply of food and water.[6] They would remain alive for approximately a week. Their body heat would apparently have been sufficient to keep the mine’s components at a working temperature.
What IS that “uniform”? Is that a real uniform, or some airsoft dude?
Oh fuck, is that a Dutch flag I see? NOOOOO
As for me the lower bar in the flag is more black than blue, I did some reverse image search and found a better version here: Reverse searching https://pantip.com/topic/36321000
It is an Iraqi uniform, so neither Dutch nor Luxembourgish.
Btw. Saddam hides in the background.
Whoever came up with those helmets gets a promotion.
Napalm for light AT? It would look pretty at least.
Ive already been in this unit. The secret is to start with any non-combat arms unit, and then dedicate yourselves to being as “stractical” as possible.
mk16 for DMR - why does this make it the worst?
Are we looking at different pictures? To me the DMR looks to be a mk14 EBR.
A rifle that is notoriously difficult to accurize being used as a DMR. Not a bad battle rifle per se, but as a DMR it is worse in just about every way than a more modern LR308/AR10, or even an FNAR, etc.
quite right, it’s the mk14 my bad
I’d disagree with “worst LMG” as I present this horror:
So bad not even the cadet forces would touch it.
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