Maybe they want an Apple laptop because they want something that’s nice, runs major software, and doesn’t force the user to spend half their life in the command line.
People like this remind me of jerks driving around in lifted trucks and cars with loud exhausts calling everyone else a “pussy”. There’s nothing but insecurity that drives attitudes like this.
There’s also a branding problem IF you want “normie” widespread adoption.
If the go to image of a Linux user is the fedora m’lady guy saying “so that’s you’re distro,huh”
Or the furry tallsocks wall of text customize to the n-th degree person,
The normie will never align.
You might like that, from a social perspective, but even saying “your knowledge is outdated” is funny because most folks have little to no knowledge of their Mac either, they just know it “just works” for their mainline usage.
i mean, for you to spend “half your life” in the command line, you’d have to be on a quite terminal intensive path? There are quite a lot of less intimidating Gui’s and on no distro I’ve ever been on has there been that much need for terminal.
Hell, after installing arch it still ran fine and I could get all my gui’s, without much terminal fuss (after installing in pure terminal)
It’s an incredibly useful tool, but not that needed for everyday use.
I was just comparing it to MacOS, and using it as a reply to the comment that MacOS “runs major software and doesn’t force the user to spend half their life in the command line”, which I interpreted to mean an OS that a mainstream user would be comfortable with. Windows fits that description better than MacOS does. I’m not advocating for using Windows instead of Linux or anything like that.
Maybe they want an Apple laptop because they want something that’s nice, runs major software, and doesn’t force the user to spend half their life in the command line.
People like this remind me of jerks driving around in lifted trucks and cars with loud exhausts calling everyone else a “pussy”. There’s nothing but insecurity that drives attitudes like this.
tbh this comment just goes to show that your knowledge of GNU/Linux is very outdated
There’s also a branding problem IF you want “normie” widespread adoption.
If the go to image of a Linux user is the fedora m’lady guy saying “so that’s you’re distro,huh”
Or the furry tallsocks wall of text customize to the n-th degree person,
The normie will never align.
You might like that, from a social perspective, but even saying “your knowledge is outdated” is funny because most folks have little to no knowledge of their Mac either, they just know it “just works” for their mainline usage.
In the past I just recommended and helped set up Linux Mint to soneone new.
Nowadays I almost always go with Universalblue’s Bluefin
Of course it doesn’t. But if it makes you feel better to make things up about someone you disagree with, I can’t stop you.
i mean, for you to spend “half your life” in the command line, you’d have to be on a quite terminal intensive path? There are quite a lot of less intimidating Gui’s and on no distro I’ve ever been on has there been that much need for terminal.
Hell, after installing arch it still ran fine and I could get all my gui’s, without much terminal fuss (after installing in pure terminal)
It’s an incredibly useful tool, but not that needed for everyday use.
Can we not just have fun and talk shit about something? It’s not that serious. I own a Mac even (it was inherited though).
You’d probably want to go for Windows in that case? There’s plenty of software that doesn’t have a MacOS version.
At this point, with proton/wine more major software works on Linux than Mac OS.
Windows doesn’t run Xcode. macOS does run Office.
How many people choose Xcode over other IDEs though? Or are there some things that you can only do in Xcode?
Building i(Pad)OS apps. Xcode sucks ass, but you have to use it for that, sadly.
Lol, advocating windows. I guess it could get worse than the OP’s post.
I was just comparing it to MacOS, and using it as a reply to the comment that MacOS “runs major software and doesn’t force the user to spend half their life in the command line”, which I interpreted to mean an OS that a mainstream user would be comfortable with. Windows fits that description better than MacOS does. I’m not advocating for using Windows instead of Linux or anything like that.
People who buy Macs are typically not buying it because they’re gamers.