by Centurii-chan
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People in media always make immortality sound awful. It really wouldnt be that bad, they always make little twists like you can’t ever die or nobody else can be immortal with you, all because its hard to make giving people more time to live seem awful without those twists. I find it fairly annoying.
Every time something uses the ‘life only has meaning because it ends’ trope I want to scream
It’s a philosophical point of view and like anything, it’s debatable.
Death create an urgency, and we cannot substract ourselves from that.
When we imagine immortality, it is framed within this urgency. You might think : well there is so much I haven’t seen. But by being immortal in the litteral sense of the word, at one point, you will have seen everything to not care about it anymore. Then what? You go interstellar in the hope of finding something new in a few millions years?
If I could live a thousand years, I would definitely be interested. But living billions of years with no end in sight? Absolutely not.
Nah, no way. Even for an immortal being, time is limited. You can never watch every movie, listen to every song, or play every game. They’re made at a faster rate than you can consume them.
If your dream is to meet Oprah and you’re immortal, that doesn’t mean you get to meet Oprah. Oprah is busy. You’re still going to have to bust ass to become important enough to merit an appointment before she dies of old age. There are still obstacles and limits and timers.
You might not meet Oprah, but you’ll probably meet a thousand like her and you will get bored.
I stand by my point that the urgency is created by death and it is extremely hard to separate ourselves from that when we imagine immortality.
The death of your close friends and family will hurt. But after the 1 000 000 death of a close friend, you’ll either be crazy by that point from all the grief, or it will be another Tuesday.
I go back and rewatch movies or replay games I’ve forgotten about all the time and that’s just like within the last few years. The universe will have plenty of repeatability.
Imagine still being alive to witness the slow, agonizing death of the universe, when all matter and energy are evenly spread across an incomprehensible vastness, and nothing will or can ever happen again. The next billion years would be fairly interesting until the sun expands and swallows the Earth…or, at least, dries up its oceans. Hopefully, you’ve found a way out and onto another planet for another billion or so years. But after about 170 quattuorvigintillion years of cold, dark, nothingness, you’ll probably get pretty bored of it all.
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I don’t think very many people, if any, want to be unable to die forever. Most people just want more time.
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