Me sneaking into the sleeping room to not wake up my wife who has already been sleeping for 3 hours.
My wife yelling “get out of the bed, it’s already 9am!” in the morning.
Night owls of the world rise up! But only after midday, of course!
As a morning person, I don’t want more people waking up early, it’s my peaceful time and I want to keep it that way.
I wish night owls respected my sleep time during holidays instead of making explosions at night cause of reasons (fireworks).
Who decided that only people who are up and out before 10:30 AM deserve fresh biscuits? This world is fucked.
I call that bullshit until owls give up the monopoly on every fucking fun event/gathering you can attend. Meeting with friends? Yeah let’s do this in the fucking night!! Concert or a party? God damn midnight would be sufficient. What? You want to have a fun time at reasonable time of fucking day? Boo opressor go to hell
We’re winning the war, you can see here one of the oppressors is demoralized by our brutal tactics