Russia couldn’t even beat Poland these days.
Russia couldn’t even beat Poland these days.
Thanks for the heads up.
Scantily clad android girls for the win!
I use Mint, BTW.
I use nano for editing config files in the terminal. For everything else I use VSCodium. Roast me.
The concept of a ground attack aircraft that shoots its cannon at things is well and truly dead in the age of MANPADS. Even the A-10 basically doesn’t do that any more. However, a fixed wing piston engine plane that shoots rockets or glide bombs from outside MANPADS range might make some sense. This is a role typically filled by helicopters right now, but a fixed wing plane would offer better range and lower cost.
Ah come on! Nobody would be that irresponsible! Or would they?
Was the flame thrower standard or an optional extra?
Brrrzzzt beep beep beep: human has been added to “exterminate first” list.
That was posted here just four days ago.
It runs just fine even after a couple of version updates. And even if it comes to the worst, reinstalling just takes a few minutes. Mint is great if you don’t like to tinker too much and just want stuff to run out of the box.
Taking a long term view rather than exclusively focusing on the next quarter’s numbers.
The GPUs aren’t even a drop in the bucket for Intel. While Gelsinger had the right ideas, he wanted everything all at once which just wasn’t doable.
The pain is in your back and your knees.
Greetings, fellow geezer!
Do you have a few minutes to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Linus Torvalds?
Get off my lawn you pesky whippersnapper!
Anyone who says Mint is unstable doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Mint is great if you just want to install and forget. Any rolling release distro will always require more effort to keep it running. Mint updates are largely painless.
Better always keep a gun next to your bed if you use Windows.