• mittorn@masturbated.one
      1 month ago

      @Breve i prefer spending couple hours to configure (and half-a-day to rebuild packages) to update my home linux system every half-a-year than using windows. And it seems, there is no windows alternative for non-IT-professionals now because every distro is broken. I still may recommend linux mint as windows alternative, but not sure it really will be better that windows because it’s ubuntu based and will catch all ubuntu bugs.
      Also, most binary distros build mesa with nouveau enabled, which breaks it. It links lingbm to glappi, which causes dependency hell. Also it adds some slow nouveau call to winsys implementation even if you do not have nvidia, shich causes big slowdown. And linked-in nouveau code in libgallium increases memory footprint This only should be used when you relly use nouveau, but most people replace it with binary blob or not using nvidia at all…