On a more serious note, how does updating apps on gentoo work? I understand that everything is built on your system, but then if the app is updated, do you need to re-compile every time?
DuckDuckGo doesn’t track your activity so they only target ads based on your current query and technical details. They determined it would take 30 years to compile Gentoo on your rig so 40+ is a good guess for your age.
I didn’t start using Gentoo when I was 10. Is it over for me?
How are you expecting to get 10 years of experience for your entry-level job by age 20? You need that to succeed in the job market, and let me guess, you also wasted so much potential by passing up on that opportunity of being born to Linus Torvalds.
That ad is targeted perfectly.
Tempted to enable ads myself.
Maybe OP can post the link to the ad here. Asking for a friend
They will make an exception for your age once they find out you take pictures of your screen
What’s your sock situation?
Footwear in general
No, use Hannah Montana Linux like a normal person
TempleOS is all anyone needs
Just two things:
- You can take screenshots with your computer.
- Clean your damn monitor, son! 🤣
if OP is using gentoo then there is a very real chance they aren’t able to take screenshots yet.
back in my gentoo days it took a while to get that set up. although it wasn’t exactly a top priority
Work computer. Dont want to sign in to work computer with personal accounts. Yes, can screenshot, then email to myself, open up on phone, then upload here. But thats too much work for a dumb joke.
Why are you using dating websites on work computers?
Didnt click the link. Morning tea break. Wondered how gentoo apps worked. Looked it up. Funny ad. (While other workers have pictures of thier kids to keep them motivated, i have the linux pipeline xkcd comic on my desk to keep me sane)
Look, a Gentooman is up for dating.
This would be the top post on Reddit.
Yes, you recompile each time you update.
In general, to upgrade an app you do:
root # emaint --auto sync
root # emerge --update $PACKAGE_NAME
(That first command used to just be something like
root # emerge --sync
when I last used Gentoo, two decades ago. I wonder why they changed it?)Wouldnt that take a long time every update? Or are all the horror stories of long compile times just a thing of the past with better hardware now?
Well, yeah, but that’s what you sign up for when you choose to use Gentoo. Custom-compiling every app, every time, with your chosen USE flags, is the advantage of it. (I suppose Gentoo has “binary packages” available now, but at that point I don’t see why you wouldn’t just pick Arch instead to begin with.)
Also, that’s another reason you should update frequently (e.g. daily or weekly): to keep compilation times reasonable by only ever updating a few packages at once.
Also also, as I said, I last used Gentoo two decades ago. Even back then, I found the compilation times… uh, at least “tractable.” 😅 I can only assume that with modern hardware they’re not bad at all, as for the most part, processing power has scaled faster than FOSS code complexity.
Thank you for your explanations. Still want to give Gentoo a try some time. Maybe when im done with steam/gaming
I would figure it would be just the opposite: that you’d want to try Gentoo specifically for gaming, in order to wring every last FPS out of the system. At least, that was part of my motivation back in the day (despite Proton not being a thing yet, IIRC I could at least play some games on Linux back then).
I think of Gentoo like the Fast and the Furious-esque customized sports coupe you drive when you’re young to try to impress your friends. In contrast, I’m at the point where I can’t be bothered anymore, so I drive the boring minivan of distros, Kubuntu. Point is: try Gentoo sooner rather than later, while you still give a shit. (Edit: of course, with a username like @MidsizedSedan, it might already be too late, LOL)
You can give it a try now if you’re interested, you should get decent enough gaming performance, though you obviously aren’t going to double your fps or anything.
For browsers, you can use binary packages because compiling either firefox or chrome every time there’s an update would be an absolute pain.
Then if you use a desktop environment, that’s usually the biggest thing when there’s an update.
And to be clear - you recompile the packages that are updated, or for which you’ve changed USE flags (if you add that as a flag in your
command). You don’t recompile the entire system every time. Unless you specify that.I ran it for gaming for 2 years, only stopped because I switched from KDE Plasma to Gnome and broke something, tried to switch back and broke something further. It MIGHT also be that I tried to switch from X to Wayland at the same time instead of doing one thing at a time.
A few “whales” are out there, such as browser (engines), rust, certain monolithic office packages and distribution kernel. Those all have -bin alternatives as already mentioned in this thread. The rest will usually be a matter of about half an hour max in my experience.
What is this “dating”?
I use Ubuntu, even people on Lemmy won’t talk to me.
I’m just kidding. I use arch btw. I’m recompiling my wifi drivers on my Commodore 64, so I can play Jumpman please help me
Fuck it. I’m actually gonna just go ahead and say it. It’s gonna get me banned, and everyone will flame me for being honest, but
everything /should run old-school QNX neutrino. Runs off a 1.44 and has a tasty-ass ui, QNX4EVA
What the hell is happening with this commenter?
They’re on the good drugs.
You come at me with that microkernel tiny-ass bullshit, and expect me not to stomp my Linux-RT kernel down your ass? Man, your ass be dragging. That’s an ass full of ass you’re talking there, and if you get your ass down here right now we can fight it out in the parking lot where I will hand your ass to you, and you can hand me mine, and then we’ll go bowling or something.
How many unix like operating systems are there? I thought it was just BSD and Linux. Then I heard about Plan 9. Now this. Next thing you know someone is going to find an operating system that is meant to run oil pumps or something and is going to install doom on it.
Well, I could be wrong, but I think Unix (IRIX, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, Xenix, etc.) might also be Unix-like.
Ah true. I guess there are quite a few industry specific ones.
MacOS is Unix like, but that’s because the kernel (Darwin) descends from BSD.
MacOS is Unix certified I’m pretty sure.
Yes - unlike any Linux distros I know of. But that’s fine, we don’t need Linux to be Unix certified for it to be awesome.
Imma let you finish, but BeOS is the best microkernel operating system of all time! OF ALL TIME!!!
Was it better back then? I’m working with QNX these days and the hardware integration is a fucking mess
You feeling better now that it’s out there?
Don’t worry, you’ll be 40+ by the time the updates are finished compiling.
Recommended as no one else but other Gentoo care about your compile times of cowsay
Google now thinks:
A) You’re a pengin
B) You’re trying to marry up from your social class
Your ads are going to be wonderful.
OP is a duck.
It’s just that if you start at 20 with an emerge update, it might be done by the time you’re 40 and you might want to consider start dating for once.
Average qtwebengine updater
Updating on Gentoo works with it’s package management, but the actual packages are source code archives (and maybe patch files). It downloads them, compiles and installs them in a special build environment, then, if it worked, applies them to the system and removes the old version.
Would you tell me the difference with Nix in that regard
Better docs for one. The gentoo handbook is probably one of the best learning guides for Linux as a whole ever made. Yes it’s better than the arch wiki. It’s laid out in such a way that if you know generally what you are looking for but not exactly you will most likely be able to find it.
idk. i have never used nix. however, i think a specialty of gentoo are global USE flags. it’s a list of compile time options you want to use. they will automatically be used for packages that support them. for example, if you enable the bluetooth flag, all packages you install will get bluetooth support and additional dependencies may get pulled in. if you use -bluetooth however, they won’t get bluetooth support, even if it’s their default. they can also be tweaked indivudually per package, which is more like nix, i think.