My grandmother is struggling with dimensia but still loving independently. She’s getting overwhelmed trying to sort through her mail for the last couple of months. I’ve quietly pulled out ads to toss but otherwise left it be. It’s currently all in piles which don’t appear to have any rhyme or reason to them so I might take a day and sort through into piles that actually make sense to try to help her. She gets so worried about missing something important, but ultimately it’s a mix of ads, credit card statements and mailers from charities begging for money, all of which could safely be tossed
Yeah, I’ve dealt with the whole “why does my phone make noise all the time”
“Cause you have tons of bullshit apps that arent doing anything but dinging your notifications. Let me remove them”
“No, what if I miss something?!”
“You don’t even read the fucking things!”
“but I could still miss something!”
My grandmother is struggling with dimensia but still loving independently. She’s getting overwhelmed trying to sort through her mail for the last couple of months. I’ve quietly pulled out ads to toss but otherwise left it be. It’s currently all in piles which don’t appear to have any rhyme or reason to them so I might take a day and sort through into piles that actually make sense to try to help her. She gets so worried about missing something important, but ultimately it’s a mix of ads, credit card statements and mailers from charities begging for money, all of which could safely be tossed