What exactly has he done to atone? Simply not saying slurs or making Nazi jokes anymore isn’t enough, that’s the bare minimum.
The point of apologizing and changing your ways is to grow as a person and not cause harm, not to get people to like you.
What exactly has he done to atone? Simply not saying slurs or making Nazi jokes anymore isn’t enough, that’s the bare minimum.
The point of apologizing and changing your ways is to grow as a person and not cause harm, not to get people to like you.
Nobody wants s calling for him to be executed, we just don’t like or support him and are voicing that.
He can apologize all he wants, it won’t change his actions.
Who cares what a Nazi uses?
Are there many teslas in Iowa?
Just go to a different instance my dude.
The Vita stands as the best when hacked and paired with a sd2vita.
“Come now, I haven’t used that in decades. I’m throatgoat69 now.”