No, it’s because I use it on linux and windows can tell. Windows hates me for my freedom.
Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from @[email protected]
Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.
No, it’s because I use it on linux and windows can tell. Windows hates me for my freedom.
I shall henceforth refer to the lavatory as The Temple of the Log until the day I draw my dying breath.
Nice Tube
(I know it’s two but it just seems to fit here…)
Bland Guardian
Beach Goys
Electric Gizard
You also can take the lazy and cheap way out, transfer some files to a flash drive or external hdd and plug it in to the console/tv, most have USB ports now.
I’m sorry what now?
Frantically searching
Edit: Thank you kindly!
Sure and I don’t see one damn pole or wire out to that pervert’s island, so while it is tethered to his house, consider that his capsule, it has to go wireless at some point. Maybe it’s a sat phone?
Maybe Roshi’s internet is too dogshit to stream? He is on a mound that barely qualifies as an island.
But if the landline is in the capsule, it still is technically a cell phone unless they attach it to the phone company’s lines, it’s just a cell phone that happens to be tethered to your house.
Maybe they realized being instantly reachable by anyone everywhere you go kinda sucks actually and cellphones fell by the wayside in favor of “retro” style tethered-to-capsule phones, and Akira Toryiama just never mentioned it?
Gillian Anderson was in the reboot, she’s alive (and still pretty hot imo).
Thank you! That was it! It was bugging me lol.
I do, but that may be because iirc it was fake in cannon. It’s been a long time but as I recall he built the rhino as a sort of hunting blind, I don’t remember why well but I think it was to observe/photo animals.
When those are the only options given by some services, yeh it kinda is. I’d love to be able to just use my flipper as a u2f for everything, but unfortunately most websites are all “no” and you have to use a chrome browser instead of Librewolf even when you could use a yubikey, so fine I guess text me, oh whoops I changed my number and I’m now locked out of my acct, cool.
Unless they’re Polish*
*insert country that your country likes to feel superior over. For instance in Greece this is an Armenian joke, not Polish.
updates, malware, scanning, and AI*
Windows is the malware now.
What it feels like using windows.
“Please shutdown?”
“No, forced update time.”
“Please uninstall this browser and use this other instead?”
This is basically how I got started too, but worse lol. Mine was just w10 wouldn’t make it past the “pin” screen, just blackness, tried to let it load for 24hr and it never did, so instead of even trying recovery I just rescued my files with a live usb of fedora (mounted that drive and bypassed the pin no less, who knew) and once I was done just installed fedora. Never looked back, it physically pains me when I have to use windows at work.
My mistake, for some reason I thought it was based on linux.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, it isn’t exactly an OS I’ve used lol, I just knew the name and meme.
Let’s see what I got.
Red hat
Hannah Montana Linux
~~TempleOS~~ (That better? Lmao)
I know I’m missing some but that should be 10.
So they mixed the blues from the Very Berry pack and the browns from the long extinct Chocolate Mix pack into the regulars so they could pass as m&ms? Diabolical, should be against the Hershey Convention.