Helium typically doesn’t undergo fission, but you wouldn’t notice of it did. Millions of atoms in your body are undergoing fission at any given time. People only notice when a LOT of atoms undergo fission at the same time.
Helium typically doesn’t undergo fission, but you wouldn’t notice of it did. Millions of atoms in your body are undergoing fission at any given time. People only notice when a LOT of atoms undergo fission at the same time.
I once tried to set up my first PIN using the year Mark McGwire hit 70 home runs. The problem was that my PIN was 9870, and i quickly realized that was just 1234 with extra steps and had to come up with something else. Unfortunately i have no clue what i changed it to, as it wasn’t able to sit in my mind nearly as well.
Sorta. They have one nostril on the back of their head, and the other is inside the skull so that they can make sounds.
Because i lost my job last year and was living on $300 a week weeknight bartending. I can pay for rent and groceries or i can pay for my student loans and credit card debt.
I hope you never find yourself in a position where you jave to choose, because it’s a living hell
I was made section leader for the trombones in marching band so i made everyone call me “The Mayor of Bonerville” for a semester.
Musicians have always been savages desperate for food
That frequent washing is what leaks out the nasty chemicals from the plastic fyi. Heat and mechanical stress are the main way plastics leach
Pewdiepie was the first step for the alt-richt pipeline for nearly 10 years