Chose seemingly every hill that isn’t worker’s rights and people’s material wellbeing to die on, again.
Chose seemingly every hill that isn’t worker’s rights and people’s material wellbeing to die on, again.
Feminists missed out and are continuing to miss out on an opportunity to bridge the gap. Men aren’t choosing Tate and Peterson because they’re the best version of masculinity, they’re choosing them because they’re some of the only people telling men you don’t have to hate yourself, and they’re acknowledging that things really are challenging for men.
It’s how Trump won too. While everyone was talking about how great things are, he was telling a different story: things were great, but they’re a bit shit right now. While he named the wrong enemy (it’s always oligarchs), most people wouldn’t know that and were just happy to have someone call the issue out at all.
Feminists and Democrats have a choice now: take class and men’s issues seriously, or keep losing ground. Given the latest events at the DNC, it doesn’t sound like Democrats learned anything. Maybe the major feminist orgs are doing the necessary self-examination? I’m not hopeful to be frank, but I’m open to it.
For a guy whose whole identity is based around their opinion of what straight masculinity is, this is an interesting hill to die on.
Heavy-duty applications? Lots of devices in the home? Reliance on PoE? There are plenty of reasons to use big equipment, it’s not just for show.
I couldn’t run multiple game servers off of a laptop the way I do on my spare Ryzen 9 5900X. I also have it transcoding media and it has 30tb of storage, of which I’m currently using over 2/3s for media/steam cache.
I also have a 24 port switch because I have a whole family here each with their own PCs, consoles, etc… I host the odd LAN as well and it wasn’t really any cheaper to go smaller for when I don’t need all 24, so I just popped it off. I also need two APs on different channels just to accommodate all the wireless devices + IoT shit.
Imagine asking “why?” instead of “why not?”
When I was first learning programming I had a teacher who insisted that the only resource we could was the Java docs.
When you want to know what parameters you need to pass or what certain flags do, it’s a great resource. When you don’t even know how to iterate through an array, it’s not the first place to look.
Canada buys old shit and then gets it fixed up by our oligarchs. Our procurement system is just a bunch of make-rich projects.
Almost every time I’ve been given the choice, the cashiers were faster. People using the self-checkouts are slow as fuck.
This right here is the reason I still bother to engage people on this topic. The women who honestly believe a bear is less threatening than a random man are a lost cause imo, so my goal is to help men find supportive people and spaces that aren’t dangerous idiots like Tate.
You can be a man without being forced to exist in the manufactured redpill/male feminist dichotomy.
Shouldn’t have to use fucking group policy just to stop your machine updating at inopportune times. Fucking Windows.