Thanks, Debbie.
Thanks, Debbie.
Can confirm, I’m just hitting my first year of using Tumbleweed as my main OS after giving up on Microsoft. It plays almost everything without issue. The very few things I boot into Windows for are games that I want to use Autohotkey with, old games that don’t work well with Proton, or VR.
When you switch and realize how much better it is than Windows, and you can rest easy knowing your own OS isn’t spying on you or stealing your data, it tends to make you a little bit of an evangelist.
Installing the popular Linux distros today is easier than Windows XP was, and it’s arguably easier than Windows 11. It definitely asks you less questions and doesn’t require you to change 30 different settings from the defaults.
Linux has come a long way from my first install of CentOS on a server in the mid 00’s. You had to be pretty dedicated to run linux successfully back then, but these days it’s cake.
They would put two between their legs and resume hiding in cherry trees.
Got my account and started reading and posting today, and you’re right, they are nice people. I had somehow mixed up Beehaw and Hexbear in my head. Big mistake.
I may end up moving over there as primary just because I’m so tired of the trolls myself.
Ya know what, I just looked at their instance page for the first time and their community rules show that they appear to have their head on straight and are setting good policy. I’ll have to try to get an account there and see what I’ve been missing.
Yeah but we didn’t put it out, either.
That’s what I love about lemmy. A little curating of your feed and dropping the occasional abhorrent ‘human’ into the blocklist makes this a pretty nice place.
You’re not looking forward to a beachfront vacation, sleeping over the skeletons of dead little kids that we all helped pay to murder? What’s wrong with you?
Yeah he’s full of it. Or maybe by “people” he means like, two people. lol
I thought Beehaw defederated from everyone else during the first mass reddit migration in 2023. It’s not surprising not a lot of people know about them.
I eat their food several times a year and never have an issue. Friends will say the same. Either people have a weird allergy or the jokes are just jokes.
The first step to being really good at something is being willing to be really bad at something while you practice.
I have a Xanax script and I use it as prescribed (for sleep). I don’t like the way it makes me feel if I have to be awake, so abuse is not a temptation.
Thanks for the tip, I’ll check it out. Most of my AHK scripts are simple, not really macros, just adding toggles to keys or remapping stuff, like putting mouse buttons on a keyboard key, or remapping WASD to ESDF for games that don’t support key remapping. I messed around with some key remappers for Linux about 9 months ago but I couldn’t find anything that worked well in the game I was playing (Dyson Sphere Project). That’s almost certainly due to my ignorance. I really need to learn python.