Marketing and hot women.
Migrated account from @[email protected]
Marketing and hot women.
Because egg producers are using the hype of bird flu to increase profit margins at the expense of their customers.
Grocery stores are following suit by spreading signs about bird flu and increasing their prices as well.
Isn’t he the guy that went to a Japanese forest known for where people go to commit suicide and just laugh?
Edit: down votes because I can’t tell terrible YouTubers apart?
CuLtUrE oF cOlLaBoRaTiOn
It’s used by Tony fucking Stark.
I mean, I can suspend disbelief that he is Iron Man and has futuristic fights with aliens
But I cannot believe that same man uses fucking Oracle Cloud.
I was invited to a user group where oracle Linux was trying to get more adopters. The coolest thing they had was the ability to update a kernel driver while it was running. In place. Without downtime.
I asked them if they planned on pushing this improvement to the kernel devs and they just gave me a blank face.
Told me everything I needed to know about Oracle Linux. I promptly formatted the thumb drive they gave me for free.
It shows you the power of branding. I remember that there was a study where kids were given a regular hamburger in a McDonald’s wrapper and the same hamburger by itself and kids overwhelming said McDonald’s tasted better.
I think they even replicated the experiment where the McDonald’s hamburger was unwrapped and kids still preferred the McDonald’s wrapped burger.
I thought Tomorrowland was good. Not great. But good enough.
We need more credible fake news.
“On a call with investors, Zuckerberg admits that their inroads into China are falling short of expectations and is considering exiting the market.”
Hit him in the wallet, not the scrotum.
It’s not the same. Granted it’s been years since I used the vim plugin but last time I tried it couldn’t even do standard find and replace.
The ”line always goes up " duty often comes from a hostile board, and often after a CEO shake up or a board reelection.
I’ve actually heard that using a timer released feeder is best so that your cat associates you with cuddles and the machine that has no emotion with food.