You and everyone else’s
You and everyone else’s
Chad says it sucks to be Jake Paul though 🤔
It was a gas pipeline, so it’s more a toxic sludge that makes you want to pass out and die type thing
At least they won’t get cancer now!
Yes. Probably a good idea to not go with the blonde Chad for that one.
One of my favorite bits of the Star Wars EU was when it established that the Rakatans invented (or stole) repulsor technology and all modern improvements to the designs are literally just miniaturization.
The difference between a Rakatan repulsor vehicle and a “modern” repulsor is that they used large repulsors prone to failure and the modern versions are miniaturized arrays that can keep going if one coil fails, but it’s been that way for so long that the modern users literally forgot that you can just make a repulsor as big as you want, and the bigger it is the more power it can have.
Excuse me, I just don’t care, all carbs are valid.
If you comment in Programmer Humor, you have to accept that a lot of the community has problems detecting irony.
You’ll never know.
Whole bunch of people trying to get me to click this sus link…
You’re never gonna do it.
I cast Millennial Paranoia, BOOMERS.
Sounds like something someone trying to put WannaCry on my computer would say…
I’m not clicking that link
Reported for misinformation, they patched that exploit. Now you have to manually justify wars before having your civil war to form the “totally democratic” EU in 1938, like some kind of Italian.
A man everyone should cover their drinks around.
“it’s not a picture with a message on it unless I agree with the message”
Yes you can.
If you’re not poor.
It’s pretty funny how some of y’all have more beef with PETA than factory farming.
It’s like you’re just repeating things you heard other people be rewarded for saying without giving it proper consideration or something.
Prepping us for the cyberpunk dystopia
This is the MIC version of the cuck chair.
Like all the best modern katanas!
Though now I’m wondering if there were any Japanese style sword smiths on the mainland.
Or… Do blink? Because the staring is a trick to let them into your soul?
Moffat giveth and Moffat taketh away