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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • You’re defending him—intentionally or not—because you’re giving legitimacy to the idea that, somehow, the party that kicked him out is in the wrong.

    Yeah, I am tired of this shit. My entire comment repeatedly spells out that criticizing one party does not mean supporting the other. Both FDO and Vaxry can be in the wrong. If you can’t even comprehend that, there is nothing else to talk about.

  • First off, I don’t know anything about Vaxry or the Hyperland community, so I am definitely not defending him or implying it is not bad or anything of the sorts. I am saying the public reasoning for the ban is manufactured BS, and I am pretty sure that is because it is hard to call yourself “free” anything if you want to police peoples behavior unrelated to your project.

    If you think projects should do such policing, that’s fine. It even makes sense, if you ignore the potential for misuse. But they certainly shouldn’t advertise themselves as free. It’s the hypocrisy of trying to do both by manufacturing an excuse I am calling out.

    As for the rest of what you write, I feel it all comes to the same unhinged idea that because someone is a bad person, everything they touch, create or any person engaging with them is also bad.

    I dislike Brave, and it’s founder. Doesn’t mean everything Brave does is bad or can’t be promoted by me as good. If you choose to not do it for your personal beliefs, that is fine. But the idea that I am not allowed to praise Brave browser features or other actions because of something unrelated its founder did or said is ridiculous.

    EDIT: Regarding your edit, yes. I criticize parts of DEI or stupid anti-Trump arguments. That’s the whole point. Stupid arguments are stupid even if a good person is making them and good arguments are good, even if evil person like Trump makes them. Parts of DEI can be bad, even though discrimination is also bad. The world is not black and white.

    EDIT2: Here is my post on DEI if anyone wants to read it and decide for themselves whether it is reasonable criticism or not.

  • So it’s not just the PR, it is also him interacting with “the wrong people”. Because it is so unthinkable to post about another browser developer while developing a browser regardless of politics. Idk anything about Andreas Kling, maybe he is a bad person, but the reasoning in your comment seems unhinged to me.

    PS: Maybe off topic, but FDO reasoning for banning Vaxry is also wild. FDO admits he never broke the CoC on their platforms, then the CoC enforcement sends him a threatening email demanding he moderates his community differently and when he pushes back and says he will ignore this person sending unsolicited threatening emails, that is a reason to ban him. Because somehow this unsolicited threatening email is somehow considered part of FDO. Literally manufacturing a cause…

  • I’ll ignore as much parts of your comments as I want when you don’t answer to mine but derail the discussion.

    You accuse me of derailing the discussion, then pivot from claiming porn is “demeaning” to “it reinforces rape culture”. One has nothing to do with the other and I don’t feel like addressing random unrelated arguments you pull out.

    However, I find it intriguing that you believe most mainstream porn focuses only on male needs. In my experience browsing anonymously (VPN, anti-fingerprinting), there is roughly equal amount focusing on women needs.

    I suspect your view may be distorted, for example by algorithms feeding you content they expect you to enjoy.

  • First of all, don’t ignore half my comment. I believe (almost) no consensual porn is demeaning to all women (or “vision of womanhood”). Maybe some is “demeaning” to the actress specifically, but that is it.

    Second of all, what even is your argument? What are you arguing for? That some porn being demeaning would mean porn in general is demeaning? Would this apply to movies? Books?

  • Even if porn actress are doing that willingly, and even if porn films aren’t propaganda, they still convey a vision of womanhood which is demeaning.

    It sounds incredibly sexist to me to say it is demeaning specifically to women or that a woman should have to take some image of womanhood into account when expressing her sexuality or herself in general.

    Sounds to me more like you are projecting your own internalized sexism onto porn (your belief that woman’s sexual expression is demeaning to women for some reason, but not men).

  • Sure, but that’s like saying that windows doesn’t work well on a raspberrypi. You put an operating system on badly supported hardware and you’re going to have problems. Not much windows or linux can do about that. The major difference in this case is that the issue is with the hardware vendor NVIDIA, the trillion dollar company that ignored and refused to support Linux for more than a decade.

    Again, I have hardware that I am selecting an OS for. What do I care how it runs on HW I don’t have or whose fault it is?

  • You can use Heroic Launcher to manage all your other games

    I will give it a try when I have time.

    like Red Alert 2, like you said. Old games don’t run well on modern Windows, so you’ll need to mess with things to get it working possibly.

    Honestly, RA2 feels like the exception that proves the rule since I probably spent more time tinkering with it on Windows and it run better on Linux.

  • Idk, last time I tried to switch to Linux, I chose OpenSUSE and managed to brick my install by enabling encrypted grub. Now sure, on one hand it’s skill issue to click a setting I did not fully understand. On the other hand, why is there a UI toggle that can brick my install without warning? I expected UI to be mostly safe and command line to be dangerous.

    After that, I wanted a n00b friendly distro.

  • You can add any exe to steam library and set there to hae proton to run it. The hard ones are those that have a setup.exe, there you have to change the path to exe that is to be executed after you have run the setup exe using steam. The correct exe can be found in the corresponding c drive hidden deep in your home dotfiles.

    Thanks for the tip.

    I agree that games for windows are more easy to run on windows. Only fair comparison is, comparing it how windows handle running Linux games/software. One can say, yea, there is WSL. But you can do exactly the same on Linux using a windows VM and RDP to draw the program window directly into a window in your display manager

    I don’t really care about what is fair. I care how well the OS can do what I want it to do. I have never seen a Game that run on Linux but not on Windows, so this is irrelevant to me. Playing Windows games is one of my use-cases. If windows is better at it, I don’t really care why.

  • I guess the issue is, that mint is not on wayland yet

    Yeah, I figured as much. I tried to install Pop! Os before falling back onto mint when installation failed for some reason and I couldn’t be bothered to troubleshoot it.

    apps are as bad on adapting to zoom settings as they are on windows (it is bad there as well)

    I never had an issue with this on Windows outside a few Games.

    proto.db is your friend, but yea that is valid, some games only work using a proper window VM, at least

    I was so far able to get all of them working in Wine but it’s just a waste of my free time to do that for every game.

    i do not like flatpak, because it does not see mounted ISOs per default (and you only have this issue because you decide to use flatpak for which there is no such thing on windows)

    Everyone so far recommended flatpaks. Idk. Why is there more than one way to install them in the first place?

    shit just works until it doesn’t (any OS)

    Yes, except on windows it takes on average about a year for an issue to pop up. On Linux, I had issue before I finished installing the OS.

  • Most of your problems are probably down to NVIDIA 🙁

    Possibly, but it doesn’t really change that things that just work on Windows (e.g. your preferred choice of GPU and games) doesn’t on Linux.

    As for wine settings, why are you messing with wine when you have steam? Are your games supported?

    Admittedly, I only tried 2 games on steam. One worked flawlessly. The other one was Red Alert 2 that does not work flawlessly even on modern Windows.

    Most of my games are either on GOG or even more often, just random exe downloads from patreon and such since they are small games still in development.

    The last category is what required a lot of messing with wine. Those also tend to not be listed on ProtonDB. I am still testing, installed Bottles yesterday to see if that helps.