Mine is a virus and it’s somehow gotten into my BIOS.
Mine is a virus and it’s somehow gotten into my BIOS.
It’ll make them better adjusted. Playing music specifically for children shelters them and is going to make them alienated from their average peer.
You just also have to teach them that in school (and later professional/work contexts) they keep their words clean for the puritans that walk amongst them.
Wanting a good GUI doesn’t mean you don’t know what you are doing.
I don’t know that I agree that you have to but sure that’s not an unreasonable policy either. I guess it depends on the specifics for me.
Assuming we’re talking about a friend/acquaintance, a person can be genuinely sorry but sort of be too dim to meaningfully improve their behavior. That said, if they don’t at least give a good faith effort to improve then my patience will wear thin and I’ll probably want to be around them as little as possible, even if I end up ultimately forgiving them on the emotional side of things.
Maybe one day when my survival doesn’t depend on the virus being there I will.