Plot twist: They’re both on drugs
Plot twist: They’re both on drugs
Does this qualify as elder abuse?
I quit and became a truck driver for a while
I’ll never forget my first one on one with the director of my engineering department.
I had been languishing away for a month at this new job trying to get a bearing on what they want from me when thankfully I got an email from the director scheduling a meeting to discuss just that.
It was a major turnaround, I felt like my life was going to finally get a dose of meaning and direction.
During the meeting the director said he needed me to write some software but gave no real specifics on its purpose out loud while he was also writing down notes. At the end of 45 minute meeting, he left his notes, shook my hand and said he looked forward to seeing what I come up with.
I shit you not, this was the “notes” he left for me
The grass is always greener I suppose
I did engineering, wish I had done something like culinary arts
After all day engineering, I come home and watch chefs on YouTube and botch their recipes in the kitchen while daydreaming about running a chaotic professional kitchen
Probably the 241st Transport Squadron
C390 wants to play too
Doesn’t raw milk have an even shorter shelf life?
Welcome to Costco
I love you
Skynet became self-aware at 2:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time on August 29, 1997. This event is known as “Judgment Day”.
It just sounds weird
Still technically correct, but weird.
Reminds me of how foreign spies were caught during the cold war because they couldn’t pronounce certain words or formulate sentences with words in a customary order
I’ve only ever heard chemists say de-ionized, not un-ionized
Putin can say and do pretty much anything he wants
This maneuver allows him to pull troops off of the eastern front to take back Kursk then send troops back to the eastern front under the guise that Ukraine has opened a new offensive on the eastern front and isn’t just performing a counteroffensive due to the lack of resistance from troops being moved to the Kursk front
May even give Putin room to call for another mass mobilization
4 entrees and a side for $100 is supposed to be normal for takeout?
What’s up with the price of Chinese food too?
A no frills takeout for my family of 6 with the 4 kids splitting two entrees, and it was still $100
Peppers should be reversed, hottest to the outside edge
Unless you eat pizza like this moron