huh looks like some updates have been made ill look through this more later, thank you!
huh looks like some updates have been made ill look through this more later, thank you!
It’s Mabinogi (crappy Korean MMO)
And yeah you would think so but the engine is a mess and it has something to do with the Anticheat. People have found fixes but it’s not “playable” to me at least in any content that’s end game.
You gave me an idea though so I’ll probably try on my laptop at a later date.
Probably but I like what I like so it’s whatever at the end of the day for me.
Oh I didn’t even see that typo.
But yeah I’ve tried this and I just found my self booting less and less into Linux, to me it made more sense to just keep my PC on once I’m done playing, or alt tab out and work on other stuff with the game running in the background.
However this old MMO is getting a unreal update sometime in the next few years so I’ll probably give it a try again and see if it’s able to run once that comes around.
Linux would be cool but the games I primarily play ate only on windows and doesn’t play well in VMs, and dual booting just isn’t worth the hassle.
Mabinogi is the biggest one holding me back, some one posted a link with some potential fixes so im gonna give some of those a go later/