An average person should never disassemble a microwave. Your microwave contains an enormous capacitor which if it’s bleed-off resistor is burnt out can hold a lethal amount of energy for many hours and can electrocute you.
An average person should never disassemble a microwave. Your microwave contains an enormous capacitor which if it’s bleed-off resistor is burnt out can hold a lethal amount of energy for many hours and can electrocute you.
To Quote Mr. Rogers:
When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” To this day, especially in times of “disaster,” I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world.
Lookup Folding @ Home or boinc. It’s basically the same thing.
4’33" composed by John Cage, with the accompanying orchestra of course.
I read it as comparing the three exposures to each other.
The first evolution, Charmander was exposed to lead and the toxic effects of lead are pretty fast acting. Meaning they were weakened the quickest and couldn’t evolve.
Charmeleon was exposed to asbestos which has latent toxic effects, they show up decades after exposure. So the Charmeleon lived quite a while before they showed any noticeable effects.
The final evolution was exposed to micro plastics and because, so far, micro plastics seem to be so unreactive they just chill doing nothing the Charazard had an opportunity to evolve.
Yeah the only thing forwarded past my router is my VPN. Assuming I did my job decently, without a valid private key it should be pretty difficult to compromise.