It absolutely can, I have several portable apps with self updating ability built in, when I use them it prompts me if I want to update or not, I personally appreciate that in certain cases.
I do dislike when they throw config files all over the place, so cleanup becomes very messy if I need to remove something.
Again tho, natively on windows there isn’t a great way to do that anyway, the windows store sucks and not many will use the package managers via cmd either.
Lmao alright bud, there’s really no reason to get so worked up about this.
I did read what you wrote, just gave alternate aspects of the conversation from my viewpoint, that’s generally how discussions work.
I find it a bit funny you say the windows store is fine yet haven’t/don’t use it, not sure how you can talk about it’s functionality from a point of ignorance so strongly.
I understand your viewpoint and even agreed, simply also stating I appreciate portable applications, some things they can implement that mitigate the need for a centralized update location, and some of the downsides I’ve come across while using them (that do play into your point, that a centralized way of managing them is cleaner if implented properly)