Depends on your TV. If its software is android based, there are apps available if you don’t mind sideloading. Though I would recommend using something like a firestick to minimize the risk.
Depends on your TV. If its software is android based, there are apps available if you don’t mind sideloading. Though I would recommend using something like a firestick to minimize the risk.
Our Overton window has been sprinting right for 40 years at least. Our left wing is now just conservatives that don’t hate people.
Yeah, autocorrect is not kind to me.
Not everyone can get coffee beans within a few days of roasting. You need to cut the butter taste that builds up with something to get the same effect.
Remaking cream from milk powder isn’t much better than creamer.
Edge is a fork. It’s not a full copy of chrome. For instance, they let you put the tabs on the sidebar.
That depends on how the game does reflections. In some games they have a mirrored room with an identical but different light for the reflection.
I too prefer that. However, I also know there is a large subset of computer users that just want their magic box to work and I don’t think it would be a bad thing if there was a Linux distro they could use.
There’s a reason windows flatly refuses to do some things no matter how much you may want to. It’s people that would do exactly that without any thought or hesitation.
It’s definitely happening, but it’s not why tiktok was banned. The government doesn’t care who gets your data.
The average Chinese citizen doesn’t have much access to the internet.
Also, they don’t care about the data. They care about the influence.
They absolutely should. In fact I’d be surprised if they didn’t do something about it eventually.
It’s a knockoff version. The secret ingredient is mold.
I’m pretty sure the story of the book spiders began with: “a spider walked onto the page.”
Well, yeah. That’s why we know it should be banned.
Imaging being mad someone is taking your trash.
That’s because the shutdown hardly exists anymore. When you choose shutdown now it just hibernates. Reboot is the only way to get the full refresh of a shutdown unless you’re using CMD.