- I have no phobia. I just get a bit nauseated. 2. I don’t believe the use of the word tranny is a slur. Are you that sensitive?
I certainly can but when someone tells me they do not like me as I am, it clearly tells me I don’t like them. No one needs toxic relationships.
Because the removed word was tranny.
After numerous temporary bans, I am the recipient of a permanent ban from Reddit. In a reply, I stated “Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t say tranny.” From that Reddit determined I am a hateful individual. As their conclusion defined them as dysfunctional and extremely judgmental, their offer to file an appeal prompted me to author “Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t say Reddit.”
I know it isn’t powerful and offensive, but since they are offended by a belch, fart, eye-twitch or hiccup, I am sure it will do to make my point.
Glad to be aboard.
As I explained to another person, I have no phobias. Much like homophobic, the term would suggest I have an unreasonable fear. I am perhaps a bit claustrophobic. The LGBTQ community needs to attach a more accurate insult to people they want to dis.