“my favorite platform” homie it’s an app to read the news. I don’t give a shit if you use it haha.
I think it’s pretty good. Other people don’t. I don’t really care either way. Give it a try if you’re curious.
Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
“my favorite platform” homie it’s an app to read the news. I don’t give a shit if you use it haha.
I think it’s pretty good. Other people don’t. I don’t really care either way. Give it a try if you’re curious.
That’s a very healthy mindset to have. Too many people happily lock themselves into many bubbles/echo chambers and they lose all perspective. Just because you discuss topics with people doesn’tean you have to agree with them. It’s still important to know what other views exist out there.
I wish more people were like you.
I’ll just save you the trouble. Ground news probably isn’t for you.
Mind blowing? No lol.
But it does reveal what topics both sides either avoid covering or cover poorly.
It’s nothing that should really surprise anyone at this point but it is a good reminder that where you get your news will leave you “blind” (heh) to certain things.
A good example would be like a good guy with a gun situation. Basically any situation that was “saved” by a good guy with a gun doesn’t get much coverage on the left or if they do cover it they tend to ignore the 2A aspect of the event or downplay it’s significance.
On the flip side any news that looks bad for 2A advocates will basically not get reported on by the right at all.
What blind spot is nice for is reading articles from both sides on the same event since they both report on it differently. Reading both and taking into account the underlying biases of each source make you feel like you get a better picture of the whole situation as opposed to just one view.
TL;DR: Not mind blowing at all, but kinda interesting if used correctly.
Yeah… I have a rule that I don’t take any advice from Australians ever.
They lost a war to some overgrown chickens for fuck sake.
What if I was paid and this was actually just 4d chess guerilla marketing?
JK I wish I was getting paid to say shit like that.
Shit I would do an ad read for the Taliban if it would get me outta financial prison.
Ground news is pretty dope and the only people hating on it seem to be the people that have never used it, but thinks that it’s automatically bad because of the whole left/right thing.
It’s still a place to consume a large amount of news very quickly and at a glance you can see if one side isn’t reporting on something or if they are reporting on it using very different language or focusing on different aspects on the topic.
Nothing will ever be perfect, but as the saying goes the enemy of perfect is good.
Remember when you could download limewire pro using limewire? Those were the days.
Every other song I downloaded was actually just bill Clinton’s speech: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”
Ivkenz I understand being mad at him for sure. It’s they staying mad at him forever that I don’t understand. People make mistakes. People change. He didn’t do anything worse than 90% of the guys I knew in highschool at some point. You grow up and you learn that behavior isn’t correct.
Many years ago he paid like 5 bucks to see if some Indian guys would write “heil Hitler” on a sign and hold it up for a video (they did}. He was doing stupid edgy humor and playing with like like many creators at the time. Many people canceled him “fully” a year or so after that when he had the “bridge incident”. He called someone the n word for camping or something while he was playing PUBG. He apologized and took responsibility for using the word…sorta. He continued to make content for a few more years and then he “retired” in Japan with his wife and child. They post update videos every few months but more or less he got his bag and dipped out after he pulled too many stupid moves and was seen as “toxic” to work with.
I don’t think he’s a bad person, but that’s just as someone who occasionally watched his videos over the years.
My brain often enters “read only” mode. No new information can be entered, but it will happily tell you all about random factoid 3,076 without being directly prompted.
I ain’t enabling it lol. I just ain’t playing their game. They usually learn to communicate better after a few times of trying the silent treatment and realizing that shit dont work on me.
“I guess we are all good now so I’m gonna go back to playing my games with my friends” 2 hours later “I can’t believe you just ignored me and talked with your friends while I sat here!”
If I ask if everything is all good and you say yes I am going to believe you and walk away lol.
Because the best way to show love is to hit things. That’s what my uncle always says.
They are still gonna miss most things at range because they set them up in vertical rows with set gaps. Should have had each new layer aimed at the gaps between the lower layers.
6/10 could have been better.
Yeah I remember those.
I don’t know what people seem to only want entirely unsweetened or super diabetic sweetened. Why can’t anyone offer a slightly sweet drink.
I’m telling you it’s a conspiracy by big sugar.
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
Yeah slack is better, but teams isn’t exactly bad.
When they got rid of the open voice chat between teams at the start, halftime switch and ending it basically went away.
I do miss the halftime shit talk spam though. The picosecond everyone could talk to each other you would just get 10 open mics screaming random shit. One guy would just be calling the opposing teams top Fragger a cheating sack of shit. Someone else would bully the bottom Fragger on the other team for only having 4 kills in a half. Someone would blast ear rape music.
A simpler time. haha