Nah, Apple was an amazing company for a while. Iirc they were literally the best bang for your buck by a long shot, which shouldn’t be surprising considering they were literally the first company to make a home computer that didn’t require soldering experience or a kit. At some point they decided to prioritize form over function, however, and started going downhill.
Okay, there’s actually a speculated reason for this: while you’re dreaming, your body is paralyzed but your brain is not. When you go into fight-or-flight when you’re dreaming, your brain starts trying to take sensory input from both your dream self and your real self. As a result, your brain is receiving mixed signals: your arm is moving and it’s not moving; you’re successfully controlling your arm but you can’t control your arm. The result is that it feels like it takes a significant amount of effort to move your arm, and your arm moves slowly.
My own personal experience seems to support this: if I casually run or hit something in a dream, then it happens as expected. If I’m in fight-or-flight mode, then my actions occur in slow motion. However, I got lucky and became lucid during one such moment, and decided to try consciously focus on just moving my dream arm, and I was no longer moving in slow motion.