Lotsa butt-hurt heroes of the proletariat in the comment section.
Throw your Molotov-sippy-cups nice and hard so the commissars can see, sweeties!
My sincerest apologies for killing a delectable morning buzz, but my eye twitches due to my slight 'tism when I see the “should/could of” error.
It’s not you. It’s me.
ofhave made
Could ofCould’ve made
I use Kubuntu LTS. Went with --minimal-install
. No snap
to worry about from the get-go.
I first started my GNU-Linux journey on a RasPi 2 Model B+. I too remember having to startx
They forgot sudo
. Also, why not throw in a -v
flag to see your dreams die in real time!
Hamas and the Netanyahu regime are bloodthirsty authoritarian regimes who both qualify as terrorists, given their recent exploits.
The left has always been hindered by the No True Scotsman fallacy.