If someone sees it that way, that’s not something any of us can do anything about.
If someone sees it that way, that’s not something any of us can do anything about.
It is sarcastic.
Wanna know the first time I heard “This is the Year of the Linux Desktop!”? 1999.
Yes, nineteen ninety-nine. Twenty-five years ago.
Linux as a desktop is still a laugh. It still doesn’t come close to Windows of twenty-five years ago.
But it’s killer as a server, or a purpose-built system. My NAS/VM server kicks ass under Linux, way better than running windows. Even VMware recently switched their desktop virtualization to using Linux. This is where Linux shines.
You could make a Windows killer desktop, except which distro? Which shell? Which set of base tools/utilities? Define “killer desktop” in the Linux community.
Windows is the general purpose OS, with a common shell. That’s what MS did, settle on one UI (mostly), so it’s a common experience everywhere.
I used to say that, but XP and 7 with proper 64 bit support would like a word.
I just shut down a win7 box a couple months ago. Ran continuously for 10+ years.
me and my inner raccoon
Hahahaha, I’ll be borrowing that, thank you
Which one? 😁