The most famous woman on Lemmy.
The most famous woman on Lemmy.
Yeah he already said Rosanne Barr.
No! Fix our own issues like rich people having to pay taxes!
Durum is a type of wheat.
This comment is boring and there isn’t even a pasta pun.
Please don’t install a camera in my hole.
Jokes on you. Even when I focus on one task at a time I do it poorly.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I work so I can (sort of) pay the bills. After that, fuck off. I ain’t doing shit that I don’t want to.
Just open a few Chrome tabs. That’ll ramp the resource usage back up again.
I can’t even Remove Disease?! Fuck that shit!
Even if we could see the embryo implanted in a place that’s going to kill both the fetus and the mother? Or where we can see the body growing with only half a head? Or their organs outside their body?
Yeah, he’s probably got a legendary quest for you.
That’s basically how science works.
Wake me up when they start trying to resist. And I don’t mean the Democrats putting up bullshit protests before voting for it anyway. I mean sustained protest/strike action from the populace in an attempt to actually affect change.
We’re nowhere near the bottom.