Real eyes realize real lies
Real eyes realize real lies
On that terrible disappointment
“I’ve broken Stalin’s house… I’m going to the Gulags”
You should never buy current-gen anything unless you can afford it twice (or good insurance on it)
You don’t seem to understand
Tbf i thought it would do big text
I’m sorry but I will never hate Kanye we much as the internet wants me to
Sorry, I’m more of a Michael Richards type myself
“What’s the deal with fast food? It isn’t fast, and it isn’t food!”
I just thought it was an autocorrect from “I’m busy” tbh. Hoping you’re right
My thoughts too. I dont even like that I own guns, the responsibility that comes with it and whatnot, but American police have shown time and time again that they cannot and will not solve civil issues.
Combine that with the fact that there are many social groups who would rather go into criminal status than give up their weapons in the event of a mass ban and you’ll suddenly have a large group of honest, well-intentioned people stuck between violent armed criminals and ineffectual law enforcers. Nobody wants that.
This is a big point. I briefly took a job in Northern California two years ago and met more openly-racist bigots and transphobes than I ever met in my Appalachian hometown
Redneck here. Fuck Trump and fuck you for thinking I support him.
Hope this helps.
Mp3tag is great if you don’t mind manually editing. I’ve used it plenty of times, specifically for OC audio
FLAC is a meme for 90% of use cases out there. The difference in sound quality between a .flac and 320 .mp3 is imperceptible to the majority of people and needs thousands of dollars of listening equipment to become apparent. The file size is drastically different, though. Not to mention the fact that almost all music is recorded in .wav files nowadays, and the “lossless” versions are usually just synthetically upscaled for the audiophile crowd.
Not to say that I don’t prefer to download FLAC when possible, but I also don’t avoid non-lossless albums either.
“Well what subject did you like best in school?” Is the worst way to choose a major and it’s terrible that college recruiters use it to rope fresh-HS graduates into signing up.
For anyone considering college in the next few years, you should really consider college as a career prep rather than a place to simply learn more. Unless you’ve got the money and support network to just dilly dally for 4+ years, you should be going in knowing 100% what you want to be doing with your life and make sure that courses you’re taking the the connections you make are getting you there.