The problem is that server will probably use more electricity, it’ll be clunky to store, and it’s going to be loud as fuck.
The problem is that server will probably use more electricity, it’ll be clunky to store, and it’s going to be loud as fuck.
Bro, I am just hosting a WordPress backup, an RSS reader, and a few Python scripts
Thats probably pretty accurate. I did have a class in High School where we drove on highways and what not. I am not sure it was a reauirement.
Its been almost 30 years since I got my loscence and I don’t recall ever doing any renewal tests either besides the eye test where you look into the machine bolted to the counter.
This is exactly how I do it in Forza Horizon 4.
You can definitely run a low traffic website with a Pi. You can run Minecraft Servers and such on Pis. Especially on Pi4s.