Death from above 1979
How many fucking letters can I use? I’m sick of editing this shit, just fucking accept the bio, damn.
Death from above 1979
Tyler’s new album title
Giant isopods have been filmed swarming sharks to impede their movement and gill function when the local detritus is lacking nutrients.
Did you just assume my phyla?
Depends on the definition of bug. Entemological true bugs are a very specific class of insects, but the term bug was used to describe any arthropod for significantly longer than proper taxonomy has been around.
So if you’re a biologist, no, if you’re an anthropologist, yes.
Someone covered in brine shrimp would be more likely to feel covered in bugs than covered in marine crustaceans though.
The taxonomy puts us right about the same, splitting after phylum. That being said, a shrimp looks a hell of a lot more like a silverfish than I do like a carp.
Well, depending on my general state of health.
I find the opposite is true gender swapped. Nothing makes a girl more attractive to me than playing bass.