I always forget the name on the song that plays with this video.
Seems like e-bike with foldable solar panels would be the best? Because even when there’s no sunlight, you just have a bit heavier bike, but when there is some, you’d go faster.
I don’t know a lot about solar panels, but wouldn’t they output at least some power with clouds? Like you still get some sunlight through the clouds, wouldn’t the panels be able to use it?
Nah, Fedora is better, because it has a nice looking logo in neofetch.
Or an ebike and get some foldable solar panels and a second battery.
Is that something that cats do?
I read somewhere that in America to get your license, you take a 40 question quiz, that you can pass with up to 10 mistakes and the driving test usually consists of low speed driving and parking, no highways, no roundabouts.
Don’t know how much of this is true, but that sounds too simple.
My steps:
So the next step is to take up farming?
The Citroen C4 had a the speed right under the windshield which was a lot easier to read than a analog speed gauge in the dash.
A picture:
So that’s why it is called projectile vomiting.
What if I reverse the direction of my fans (in from the backside and out from the front) and point it to face the middle of the room?
Why turn on the racing mode? Everyone knows that you have to use the “packwards” gear.
Maybe because there are no sidewalks?
Nah, you’d scream into these so that you could echo-locate them.
Only if they’ve used Windows before, otherwise (IMO) Linux would be easier to learn when just starting out.