I mean yeah, but they were getting shot at regardless of whether they shot back or not seeing as they were there to reconnoitre and bomb stuff. But yeah apparently the dorsal guns couldn’t always be used because of leaking lift gas
I mean yeah, but they were getting shot at regardless of whether they shot back or not seeing as they were there to reconnoitre and bomb stuff. But yeah apparently the dorsal guns couldn’t always be used because of leaking lift gas
While I don’t know where to find any solid records of them ever actually shooting anything down - there are a few scattered comments about one plane being shot down during the Tondern raid, and others about Alan Arnett McLeod VC getting shot down by one in 1917, but I can’t substantiate either - they did have guns on them. To take the Zeppelin P Class as an example, those had eight MG 08 machine guns on them
If you accept a lack of gears, a belt drive instead of a chain probably simplifies the most difficult part of actually making it. Best pick somewhere with good roads though, since you’re definitely not making pneumatic tyres or a pump to fill them with
I have no idea what you read in my comment that makes this make sense as a reply to me saying what the flag is
Druze flag, for those like me that didn’t already know
Counterpoint: I saw a harrier give a bow at an airshow once and it was awesome
There was that period of about 50 years starting in 1570 when it was mostly everyone around Poland that was on the menu instead
Here’s some behind-the-scenes about them https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7xe84b
It was manually puppeted most of the time rather than being animatronic, but obviously with all the things that TARS and CASE can do they had to build different props for each one
We should insist that France name one Castillon and have them work together on exercises
I mean, they did defend the Maginot. The Germans went around it.
It has the same face as that burrowing bastard 10th colossus in Shadow of the Colossus https://www.deviantart.com/daniel-aubert/art/Colossus-10-Dirge-485275245
I can possibly see an argument that “artist” isn’t an essential job because people make loads of art when it’s not their job anyway. Nobody’s doing telemarketing as their hobby
However I very much doubt that this was the actual context for whatever this graphic was trying to show
The real life British East India Company had an army as big as the modern Mexican armed forces today
We cunningly designed kilts to cover up to just above the navel
1931 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zveno_project
Bonus points because they actually used it in a war
The latter, unless the gunner is particularly incompetent. Hydrogen is just really difficult to contain