Basically game devs are like farm hands. Seasonal workers, fired when the fields are harvested.
Add more bass to the audio. Then it will sound like you hear yourself. Basically you also hear your own voice through your own skull which acts sort of like a low pass filter. So you hear yourself more bassy when you speak.
Kodi + Mad Titan Sports addon
Alldebrid + Kodi/Stremio
Gives you the convenience of a streaming app with the massive catalog you get from pirating.
lol no way Europeans will cross half the planet to come to your defense in Emu War II.
It’s probably why he has lots of kids to compensate for something. Probably to signal that he has sex when he really hasn’t. Ketamine abuse can cause erectile dysfunction and I bet his sperm is immotile
Also he is blasting in a cup. All his kids are IVF babies.
Of course it’s not the fault of the generation. It’s the school system who still doesn’t teach proper basic IT skills. Schools should have never touched Chromebooks or even MS products. A Windows like Linux distro and Libreoffice would teach kids the basic IT skills that are transferable across different OSs. Would have been cheaper as well. Bet if you follow the money that somebody in the school system with executive decision on IT matters gets massive kickbacks from Google or MS
As if the average schoolteacher knows how to properly teach how to use a full OS to kids. Many millennials lack basic IT skills as well.
Gen Z: Where is my file and what is a directory?
Ah Donglegate, good times. Even funnier that the guy who got fired because of this lady’s tweet sided with her like a meek little bitch.
i’m Ben Stiller on a golden toilet
Android is Linux. Still a win LOL
Tengu 👺 car
And the sun is falling around a massive blackhole, and that blackhole is speeding trough the universe
That Shadaya dude is just African Andrew Tate. Bet many African nations are going to have to deal with maladjusted manboys in the near future, like what is currently happening in the West.
Make that change