You. And you can’t say different cause wikipedia.
It’s not that the wiki article is wrong, it’s that your applying it wrong. That’s propaganda bubby
You. And you can’t say different cause wikipedia.
It’s not that the wiki article is wrong, it’s that your applying it wrong. That’s propaganda bubby
Bro over here just propagandaposting
People do sure like to avoid information that proves them wrong. I like making sure that they don’t forget.
Got no more retort? Did you change your mind or just decide to stop thinking about it to save your precious idea of your country.
Brother, that is still the laws on the books. Age does not matter. Do you really not understand that? Do you think laws expire? Did you choose to not understand? What’s your deal? You live inside your own nightmare.
You do know that it’s illegal to be a socialist and hold any kind of government job in the United States? Brother we are in that country right now. But let’s keep hearing you bitch about China.
Haters will say it’s fake:
This meme brought to you by some poor CIA agent
See other Lemmynites, this is why you don’t believe in the holy Ghost hand of the market. It makes you actively ignore cause and effect in favor of random fluctuating line god.