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Yes, but a size 13 is only a 1-2 person packed like a tuna can type deal. Really you want to find someone else with 15s for a more comfortable make shift shelter.
Sounds like either your bank is a local one struggling on business or its run by really incompetent management who failed to properly stock up the tellers. As them to pull out some 2$ bills next time everyone likes those
The problem is that theres a real subset of people who pride themselves on not needing to know about the things they use and throw tantrums when forced outside their one-click UI spoonfed comfort zone.
The modern ultra minimalistic simplistic UI design is largely to appeal to the lowest common denominator of human intelligence who can barely find the on button and freeze up when faced with the prospect of actually pushing it.
Why should they have the learn about computer operating systems? Thats nerd shit. Why should they learn about car mechanics? Thats blue collar shit. Taking time out of your day to learn something or use two braincells to work your way out of a bad situation is a sign of defeat.
The people who win life are those who never have to think for themselves, or struggle through a problem, or change their bad behaviors. Only idiots would ever intentionally give themselves more challenge or work. As long as they can get by on the slop of convinence and someone else to figure out things for them, they’re winners.
"Source? I AM THE SOURCE, PugJack. Truth? Fact checking? In this world the strong and the powerful decide the truth, and WE write the facts to be checked against. (Well I guess theres also the patriot AIs who gave you the twenty minute redpill in MGS2 but thats besides the point!)
Heres a little History Explaination: For you PugJack. Theres no book that can’t be rewritten with a couple million dollars in the right pockets, a pile of bodies, and a country full of willfully ignorant idiots who believe whatever daddy Armstrong tells them. Natures rule is might makes right.
Speaking of fields of bodies, after martial law breaks down and millions of corpses litter our great beautiful nation it will be prime land for agriculture. Im gonna fertilize the continent with the weak and bring back americas natural resources, and hemp. So much hemp. Were gonna grow some real patriotic shit using real american patriot corpses. Talk about localizing jobs!"
Don’t ask TF2 player how they feel about this meme
Oh cool! Let me just spend three weeks crawling through wiki articles, setting flags in the config files, and patching out 15 different issues with various drivers then installing 20 dependencies compiling them all from source.
Hyperbole, but yeah no thanks I’ll take the L on some optimization and 2gb of storage space and some wierd file system locations for files to load a flatpak if old stable doesn’t cut it. you might want to be careful recommending gentoo to people they might not know better. Most Linux nerds don’t want to open that can of worms, but good for you if it works.
I use gimp for pixel art for game textures and to make memes. It has tons of features that nobody knows about becuase they’re fucked by horrendous UI. But theres never been anything I needed to to but couldnt after looking up a tutorial on the internet. Valid points against gimp but lets not pretend people used to photoshop arent also kind of stuck in their old workflow habits and unwilling to relearn new software UI.
Theres photogimp but it hasn’t been worked on in a while.
Also also, most people who use gimp on linux probably did so on a stable distro like Mint installing with default package manager. This means their experience with gimp is from a terribly old outdated version. Flatpaks have some issues but being able to easily install the most current version of software like gimp or kdenlive is night and day difference.
Okay but why Cat Tail PhilosophY?
Oof bad guess. my daily driver is a used t460 made in 2015 running Mint. I said that used librebooted thinkpads are a great option to inexpensive preinstalled Linux machines. Are you sure you replied to the right person? Or are your reading comprehension skills fucked? Either way better luck next assumption
Except all those Linux specific privacy/modularbility orientated PCs are expensive as hell with base models starting close to 1k last I checked. They’re aimed at the demographic of cushy tech nerds making bank tapping at a keyboard who care about opsec or right to repair and can comfortably afford dropping 1k on a new laptop without thinking twice about if that money has better uses.
I and many others who don’t live in economic lah-lah land will NEVER be able to justify 1k spent on a laptop just because it has physical kill switches or modular parts and preloaded with a good Linux distro. These companies need to touch grass and come down a couple hundred dollars to the 400-500$ range then we can talk. Until that day comes, the guy selling librebooted thinkpads on eBay running popos or mint is the better option for those who live with the reality of not having a lot of money.
You always have the option of partitioning some free space on your hard drive and dual boot windows along side Linux Mint until you’re 100% confident in erasing windows from the drive. When I first got started with it years ago I had similar fears that something would go wrong with the process or there would be driver issues or I wouldn’t be able to start my favorite software. So I dual booted windows on my laptop for about a year until I realized I hadnt needed to use windows at all.
Hell yes! Scream it from rooftops with your menthol laced breath. The celestial calendar fortold that 2025 would truly be the year of the linux ™ the time is now!
What do you think so far?
Redditor chud behavior: gets bothered by a single downvote, edits comment to ask why they were down voted turning into a rant about the NPCs and sheeples who disagree with them. Subconsciously worried about karma points and awards.
Lemming chad behavior: Gets 20 upvotes and 10 down votes, happy 30 people reads their thing and glad to have put a controversial opinion into the world that might make someone think a new way.
When will you learn? When will you learn that your choices in process management software have consequences?
thanks for sharing it was a great watch! Here’s one of my favorite gen alpha branrot speech parody videos
I see your five paragraph long greentext post about forming pacts with deities from pagan occultism to charge your J.O crystals with long forgotten rituals requiring blessed lube on /x/, and raise the ante by sharing six paragraphs of my personal tales using heroic doses of magic mushrooms to experience ego death, astral project, and telepathically communicate with divine cosmic consciousness using trees as a medium!
This reply chain is only one degree of separation away from a full blown Terrence McKenna Timewave Zero situation