Japanese mint oil. I believe that would be a very interesting experience.
Japanese mint oil. I believe that would be a very interesting experience.
And chocolate.
There was a booth on a Rotterdam market named “Spice Girl”. They sold a number of interesting things like the chili oil we are using (very carefully, and we are used to hot food!), and the pickled gherkins - with a habanero in the jar. Absolutely recommendable. Sadly, they no longer run that booth, as they have gone online.
Looks like Swiss engineering is no longer the top of the pops anymore?
I didn’t know this is an issue. I use ext2 on my flash drives, and everything is fine.
And they are not even a bakery.
That is the kind of bread no real Baker here would touch. They leave that crap to the supermarkets.
German bread would probably come as a terminal shock to you.
Ah, OK. I was too adult to care about Ace Ventura back then.
Well, using vi without being forced at gunpoint.
And before you accuse me of being an Emacs fanatic - nope, they exist on the same level of masochism.
Well, “vi is love” is something I always see as “masochism is related to sex”.
Reminds me of a copy of a gender selection form, where someone was probably overwhelmed by long words like “heterosexual” (6 syllables!), and wrote “straight” at the “other” option.
When I was that age, the internet did not make modem sounds. Because the fridge-sized computers in the server room (with way less power than a cell phone) had no dialup.
Being able to log in to the internet with an actual modem came much later.
Ahh, the good old “caramelized onions in three minutes” cooking.
If I want a machine that does what it wants instead of what I want, I could use Windows. My machine should do what I want, so a please is not necessary.
Imagine living in a country where such a contraption is actually street legal.
Somehow, they always manage to have some source of power in those movies.
Not permitted in other countries for a whole list of safety issues. Only good in a zombie Apocalypse, or to drive into crowds with the intention to murder as many people as possible.
The most boring story ever. A guy wakes up, notices he is a beetle for whatever reason, and is afraid his family might notice. That’s it. Why anyone would waste paper on printing this shit is incomprehendable.