Teaming up with France and Germany!
And scandinavia, the baltics, and …
Teaming up with France and Germany!
And scandinavia, the baltics, and …
Russian air defences always miss though (there are at least 3 images of them).
The countries who have made more wars than any other, but have been in peace for some decades:
“Fine, we’ll stop pretending being nice, lets get back to the old days. But together this time.”
I had my hard earned ZX81 thankyouverymuch.
Well, now that I think about it you’re right, before that there was absolutely utterly nothing at all.
I introduced my kids to video games (the “good ones” 😁) and they have always had a PC+old consoles, so now they know at least the basics, and mods gta5 and minecraft, etc and are generally at ease with things.
Still prefers mobile apps to photoshop though 😔 you can only bring the horse to the water, you can’t make him drink.
Such a shame americans seems to think the only thing they need is to be american now. Don’t get me wrong, you’re still the most innovative (with europe?) but that’s what it feels like from the outside anyway.
Feel free to tell me I’m wrong though, it’s just a feeling 😅!
On windows the best search is https://www.voidtools.com/ by voidtools.
And by far, it hooks up right into the mtbr in the drives and knows instantly where all files are at all times. Copy 100.000 files? They are already “indexed”! Clean GUI too.
One of the few tools windows has that’s better than the linux ones. Or if you have an equivalent please let me know!
Mint user here
Eh heey what!
11h+? That’s the small part.
Every day you have to fight reboots, forced updates, installs and other crap. So multiply that with 365 per year.
Oh, I thought it was a protocol for virtual networks, that merely VPNs used. The more you know!
Edit: spelled out VPN 😅
Into Cmd, super commandline or super commandline 2?
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I’m interested, how do you expose your services (on your PC I assume) to the internet through wireguard? Is it theough some VPN?
I do it too! Mint gang!
Or Java?
How would you class them, if you think you could/would/should? I’m so impressed with the thinkcentre tiny I wonder if it can get better at all.
Edit: wow, it’s just a comics image, sheesh.