Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3
Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.
Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.
Grass is bougie and artificial anyway. Go touch a veggie garden and grow some foods u-u
They all suck in different ways. But I actually think the Catholics are more chill in general, the fucked up shit their bishops get up to notwithstanding, the Catholic Church has mostly just stayed in the background since the early 20th century. Letting the world do its thing while occasionally calling something or another sinful (and only their faithful listening).
Contrasting with the influence Protestantism has in like. All of US Conservative Ideology, which trickles outwards to conservatives EVERYWHERE.
They may not have a pope to embody the face of their ideology (though Trump is in the process of becoming that, watch this space), but it is a consistent ideology, and its god is wealth, and poverty and deviance the greatest sins.
Yah pretty much.
Like. The Reformation broadly started as a decentralised movement against the Catholic Church’s authority in western europe. BUT the only reason the likes of Martin Luther and John Calvin weren’t killed for the shit they were stirring up (and/or forced to retract it on penalty of torture and death) –
– Was because they were being protected by the then-nascent bourgeoisie class, who loved the wild ideas that the two were putting forward, like Luther’s Sola Fide theology that said they would go to heaven as long as they believed in Jesus, even if they did every sin in the book and never performed one good act in their lives, or Calvin’s predestination theology that said people were already born bound for heaven or hell, and being wealthy/poor on earth was a sign of divine favour/displeasure.
You gotta remember people were a lot more religious then. So these merchant princes really liked these guys who were telling them “no no, it’s okay, the Church IS a bunch of cunts, and don’t worry, that camel-through-eye-of-needle thing in the bible is all bullshit and you being richer than a king is a sign you’re going to super-heaven which is better than regular heaven”
If you see shades of modern day American megachurch Prosperity Theology in this? Good, you should. That’s where it started.
Not to say the catholic church was ever nice (I just said they would have killed two guys if they weren’t under the protection of other powerful people), but protestantism was broadly boosted by capitalism, because it soothed and comforted capitalists.
You forget that protestantism was basically invented from the ground up to be “Christianity rewritten to be extremely capitalist”
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about
Large emotion
Well damn. A person who disagrees with me and is nice and eloquent about it, even teaching me some new information.
Mad respect, stranger.
It isn’t. It has its own Driver model. DOS drivers are installable and can be called up for backwards compatibility, but windows drivers are different and incompatible.
Windows 95 was still just another dos program on top of a shell.
That’s just straight up misinformation. Even 3.1 wasn’t really like that anymore (though, it was closer). Windows 9x uses DOS as a bootloader, and retains the original DOS components for backwards compatibility, but loads into a fully 32-bit kernel with preemptive multitasking and many features DOS couldn’t dream of touching. It is built atop the original 16-bit DOS, and inherits a lot of jank from that, which is why eventually they ditched it to use the developed-from-the-ground-up NT kernel everywhere instead (and broke compatibility with a lot of old hardware and software because of it, much to the chagrin of the users–)
Huh? Coming from an Amiga it really didn’t seem innovative. Or OS2 or BeOS (which ran circles around Win 95) or Macs.
OS/2 and Windows are siblings, with most of OS/2 being written by the same people within Microsoft. Windows NT is what happened when Microsoft decided to backstab IBM (again) to increase their profit margin (as I myself have said, Microsoft has always been bad from the ‘evil megacorp’ angle).
BeOS was, at the time, an operating system only for Be’s own PowerPC based workstations (and workstation != desktop, especially in those days) – Though there were talks to bring at least parts of it to desktop as the basis for MacOS Copland, that didn’t go through (instead Apple vored NeXT and used its nutrients to make OSX). – It didn’t get a public, user-facing, desktop release that a mere mortal could buy until 1997 (on PPC Mac. 98 for the x86 PC version), which in mid-90s tech terms is like a geological epoch later. Are we also going to compare Doom 2 to Half Life and shit on Doom 2 for being behind HL?
MacOS at the time was still using Cooperative Multitasking (which is what Win 3.0 used, and is unreliable af because any crashed program takes out the entire OS with it) and wouldn’t get true Preemptive Multitasking until OSX in '99.
The amiga did get Preemptive Multitasking to the desktop first (in '86, even. Commodore seriously didn’t know what they had, or they would have ruled the roost), but preemptive multitasking wasn’t the only feather in 9x’s hat.
DirectX was so good at doing what it did (acting as a layer of abstraction between gamedevs and hardware, allowing them to just ask the library to draw and play stuff, and it would figure itself out with the hardware) that alternatives like SDL took another 3 years to exist and much longer to catch up – And it was necessary, because the PC space, unlike the likes of the Mac or Amiga, was an industry standard rather than being controlled by one company, and users could have any combination of wacky third party video and soundcards, and DirectX just dealt with it.
And Plug-and-Play, while buggy as fuck to the point that it really only worked when it wanted, was something that hadn’t been done before. Adding new hardware and the OS just figures that shit out, no reboot required? Unheard of.
Edit: BeOS in 97, not 98. Still retains the whole ‘this was a geological epoch by 90s tech standards’ comment though.
The people doing the Ash Coma theory for Pokeymen are really sleeping on a much cooler and equally dark theory.
Ash did die in the first episode. Not a coma, but a straight up death.
… And then he was brought back to life. As he wakes up from Pikachu’s sacrifice, he sees Ho-Oh. A lot of ado is made in the first few serieses of the Anime about how Ho-Oh appears before trainers that are earmarked for greatness.
Ho-Oh brought Ash and Pikachu back to life after both of them showed they were willing to give their lives for their newly met friend – It IS a literal Phoenix. It presumably liked what these two idiots were going for, and decided to give them another chance at life.
The reason Ash doesn’t age – And the reason he seems to cartoonishly shake off danger in every episode after Pokémon I Choose You – is because when Ho-Oh revived him it made him immortal like itself, time-freezing the young boy.
And in exchange, every time something went wrong in the Pokémon anime world, Ash was the one who was always coincidentally nearby and ready for adventure (see: Every movie)
Of course, our boy doesn’t mind, he mostly enjoys adventures. And he got basically infinite tries at his dream of becoming League Champion – Which eventually stuck.
In case you’re not being silly, here – More vintage memes from someone who’s been online for too long.
In case you are, then – e-hem So, you like to play Castlevania?
I’ll add that a lot of the issues people have with the registry have less to do with the registry itself (it’s just – A database of settings. Nothing shocking about that) and a lot to do with Windows’ philosophy and the problems that creates.
Like yes, the registry of a computer that has been running windows for a few years is a bloated mess which creates a bunch of problems of its own – But that’s not in and of itself because the registry is a centralised binary database.
Rather it is because – Well. Microsoft. Tech corporations in general. Want computers to behave like magic boxes. Not machines you have to learn to operate. This means that whenever you install something or modify something on windows, you are left in the dark as to a lot of the stuff going on under the hood. Windows error messages are very obscure and nonspecific. When you install something, do you know what it has added to your registry? What dlls it has dropped around your machine? And with so many third party programmes and utilities dropping into the system, that shit builds up, and not even an experienced user will fully know what has built up unless they’ve been making a deliberate effort to keep track.
Compare that to Linux, which is made by nerds FOR nerds… And so everything is thoroughly documented. With the general unspoken understanding that a. You will sooner or later go under the hood and mess about in there; and b. If something fucks up, whether it is directly your fault or not, you’re the one who will have to fix it, so here’s ALL the receipts on how shit works so you CAN do that.
People who don’t like Glass Themes can’t be my friends. Frutiger Aero looks like happiness and a better time when technology was exciting instead of alarming.
You are otherwise entitled to your opinion (fwiw I never used those libraries and still don’t know what they were FOR) and I entirely believe your experience of having instability. Windows just be like that sometimes. No pooping here.
Nothing wrong with the Registry
It’s a different way of handling things compared to how Linux (and most unixes) does it with 18391823 text files
But it’s a perfectly functional and sensible solution for storing system configurations.
Not really
Windows 7 was pretty, it was customisable, it was stable. And microshaft had yet to start fucking about with ads everywhere and invasive “features”. Peak windows right there.
XP was also pretty good for its time. At that point Linux and OSX had caught up and surpassed it in many ways, but it did what it had to without getting in the way.
95 was an innovator if anything, ahead of pretty much anything else on desktop at the time, even if it DID fart and die whenever someone looked at it funny.
It was always a proprietary creation by an anticompetitive tech megacorp, and therefore bad from THAT angle, but it didn’t start being truly shite from a pure user experience angle until like. 8.
Perhaps, but what I do know is modern NVidia GPUs do work on Linux. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My friend has a laptop with – Some low-tier mobile RTX-2000 series card, idfk – And games on it on Linux.
Hence “seems more likely that cards older than the 500 series are still borked since no one cares”
I think only up FROM the 570 is more likely.
Calling Linux’s version of DVR a “viable video editor” is rich given that a. It doesn’t work on most distros (it’s designed for Rocky Linux. It throws a fit on any other distro. You need to jerry-rig it), requiring a whole thang to get it to play nice; and that b. It doesn’t support any of the video formats and codecs people actually want to use, for seemingly no reason, since the Windows version supports those formats just fine.
KDENLiVe is like, fine for a simple project, but you quickly start hitting your head on its limitations. Plus its UI sucks just in general.
Video editing is the reason I keep a small Windows install, because sometimes I need to do video stuff for work and – Sorry. No. No Linux video editor even compares to the likes of Premiere and Vegas. They’re still barely above Windows Movie Maker.
GIMP is a perfectly serviceable image editor, and yes, GIMP 3 is a major improvement – But it’s kinda missing a lot of things Photoshop users take for granted, and its UI and hotkeys are very idiosyncratic, which makes migrating very hard (… I sorta have the opposite problem though. I learned image editing on GIMP and all my muscle memory is GIMP oriented, so even when I’m on my ‘time to work’ windows install, I only really open PS if I desperately need one of its exclusive functions)
theatrically bows I live to serve