well of course. you can’t betray the will of upstream: to not feed the rich. not a big ask.
but the user, as you said, has no reason to object to that, because it protects them from parasites
well of course. you can’t betray the will of upstream: to not feed the rich. not a big ask.
but the user, as you said, has no reason to object to that, because it protects them from parasites
I suppose we need to make definitions clearer. C++ is memory safe in the sense that you can write memory safe code. It doesn’t enforce memory safety though. But not doing that is not the language’s fault. If someone jumps with a bike from a flying airplane, it’s not the bike’s fault that they will not land safely. It’s the misuse of the bike.
saying that C++ is memory safe because it’s possible to use it in a memory safe manner is like saying jumping out of a plane with the bike is safe, because it’s possible to safely land (with a parachute and a lot of training).
you always repeat that C++ is memory safe because its possible, and that “misuse” is “not its fault”.
first, you are quite simply redefining what does memory safety mean. you basically say bombs are safe because they can be safely defused with the expertise.
second, do you really need to misuse it to get unsafe code? it does not warn anywhere. not in the instructions, not in the compiler output.
third, its no one’s “fault” that c++ is not memory safe. That’s not a fault of c++. like its not a fault of factories that you have to wear safery gear when working inside because otherwise you may get injured more severely. this is just a property of C++, not a judgement
I’d argue those weren’t the best developers then.
oh no, my suspension was correct, you are really thinking that you are the perfect coder who jever makes any mistakes. It does not make sense to argue with you
deleted by creator
why do you want to redefine what the term means? why does it hurt to admit that C++ is not memory safe? It’s not about your weakness.
I don’t think this solely depends on the level of experience. People make mistakes, and these kinds of mistakes are very hard to find. And don’t tell me you are the perfect coder that makes no mistakes, introduces no bugs.
I don’t know if it’s riddled with it or not, but what I (think to) know is that one of Rust’s goal is to minimize them. No need for raw pointers when handling lists and buffers most of the time.
The GPL, on the other hand, directly infringes on the user’s freedom to fork and redistribute the software.
that’s plain bullshit. under GPL, you are free to fork it and redistribute it
It’s Java but don’t be afraid, nowadays it also runs a chromium browser for your Markdown needs! a few years earlier it was done without that, but if course they had to fuck that up
I would think that if it had access to those in the discord app, it would still be able to do so in the web browser, but now it would ask for your permission.
I have never used such devices, but I assume that either they appear as normal audio source devices in the system, or voicemeeter makes one for them.
at the same time its ridiculous how limited voicemeeter is regarding the number of audio devices it can handle. its an artificial limit, even in the paid version
and what happens at boot time? when graphene code is not yet running
I don’t have some objective reason personally, I just don’t like web apps for 90℅ of things.
me neither, but the discord app is a webapp just as well. the difference is that it runs its own browser engine, and so uses more system memory, and that it has free access to everything in your computer (and your local network), including your files, the audio devices, and lots more information on how you use it.
I’m curious does the web app allow for pass-through audio devices (an audio interface) or things like voicemeeter?
I’m not sure, I don’t understand what do you mean by pass through audio devices. what do you use it for?
that’s weird, it’s on by default. maybe on early versions of 10 it wasn’t?
opensuse leap has those settings by default. and people say it’s not beginner friendly…
why don’t you all run discord from the web browser? what’s the advantage?
if you want to access NTFS partitions on linux, you should turn off “fast startup” in windows. control panel, energy saving, “choose what the power button does” menu. (so intuitive, eh?)
when that’s ticked in, it will always just hibernate the system after logging out, and that’s a nono, and a big one if dualbooting (even just 2 windowses)
you don’t need to make the windows, just alttab while dragging. and maybe you already have open the directory in another window so why browse there again in the browser’s file picker.
probably not a big deal, but definitely not a small issue either
NvidiaGPU working
what world do you live in? I have even newer driver than that and it’s still buggy!
750 Ti, and the driver is still garbage. on plasma wayland had to turn off window previews on taskbar for the environment to not freeze randomly. a kernel update earlier there was an 80% chance the whole thing would crash after login on the firsf frame of the desktop, or before that. gamescope has problems thanks to nvidua unique things: FSR is pure blackness but even without that, games are tearing and slow while even a test animation like vkcube maxes out a cpu core of a cpu that’s not nearly that bad. and that’s just been the product of a single week of linux usage on the desktop.
You get one third of the rewards of my efforts just for delivering my product
you have not read the comment you responded to.
Ah, just as all the memory-mishandling related security issues in all operating systems out there. Nobody tests their shit well enough nowadays!
Quick??? Read all your other comments man! I take it as you not wanting to accept it.