You’ve made me realize I haven’t received it. The fomo is suddenly so real.
You’ve made me realize I haven’t received it. The fomo is suddenly so real.
HDBaseT is cool, except in my experience the transmit/receive units get WAY hotter than I think make any sense. We used then at my last job for AV solutions, both ‘high end’ Crestron units and cheap randos - they all got HOT to the touch!
I’m taking an online based college that makes heavy use of some heavier apps like web based virtual machines that function as ‘lab environments’ for development assignments. These refuse to function unless I’m in chromium of some kind. Same with the online based proctoring tools the school uses when you take tests n stuff - chrome is the only browser that can be used, and I have to specifically use a windows device 🤢
Always fun to see what I’ve been “missing out on” in the chrome experience, when I’m forced to use it. Man, the Firefox UX is a dream compared to chrome!
Really hoping on that FOSS browser that’s on the horizon! Ladybird, I think it’s called? Hopefully it won’t be shit! 🤞
HL2 soundtrack? HELL Yeah
Ah shit this rules! Cheers, yo!
Yeah same here! I had a brief moment where I thought the audio coming out of my remote desktop on my phone was the headset… Dreams shattered 😭
+1 for kdenlive!! Kickass software
For real?? 😓 I was rockin a 3080ti on a 4k panel for a bit there and Wayland was impossible to run on Debian-KDE. Like as soon as I got to desktop everything stuttered in slow motion, dpi was janky as hell, and wouldn’t respond to DPI config changes… And that was on a fresh install from Debian’s KDE installation media! 🤔 did ya’ll have to do any tinkering or was Wayland cruising for ya outta the box?
Had to sell that card as I got tf outta the US anyways (been maining my steam Deck on a dock, which has been fun!), but I’m thinking I’ll go AMD for my next build. VR & Wayland are way better on an AMD GPU, from what I hear!
Fuckin gottem 🤣🤣 bullseye!
Thank you for the response!! I will definitely give it a go sometime!
Just wanted to thank you both for this discourse! As somebody who’s interested in AI but totally ignorant to how the hell it works, I found this conversation very helpful! I would say you both have good points. Happy days to you both! 🙂
Wow, Qubes seems pretty badass! Do you run it? How heavy is it? (Like, how beefy a PC do ya need for decent performance?) How intuitive do you find the experience, from your perspective? 🙂
This is actually the thing that originally triggered me into wiping my windows OS and switching to Linux a couple years back. Unbelievable that I can put my machine into long-term low power mode and minutes later windows is like ‘lol, did you mean to click update??’
Can’t believe how much better Linux is for 0$.