It won’t take too long for them to invent the porn machine.
It won’t take too long for them to invent the porn machine.
Oh no I mean, back then when the BlackBerry was a thing.
At this point the only real choice of operating systems for people who want full control over their computer are Linux distributions.
I couldn’t agree more with you, and the same can be said about most consumer devices. If you want a full control over any device, you are gonna get the best experience flashing a custom firmware. But manufacturers don’t like it, they lose the telemetry data and revenue so they do their best to impede that.
AOSP is better but only if you’re a dev
AOSP is the way android phones should be sold, and to have the option to escalate privileges in a terminal, so you can actually do some work without relying on Google Play Services + a 200MB app to send a file to your laptop. The custom vendor images should be something people can opt in to get a vendor locked dumbed down experience.
Anytime! We should get rid of the security thru obscurity notion that prevailed with Mac and iOS.
Who doesn’t love a good 'ol fish hash? Extra baked.
The iOS doesn’t disable the port, if you connect to a Linux machine and see the dmesgs you’ll see the phone communicating with the host and reporting lockdown mode so your software can indicate you to unlock the device. But is still sending data about itself, and if you put the device in recovery mode and is vulnerable to a bootrom exploit the contents of the flash could theoretically be dumped without the need for a password. Without mentioning the data that could be extracted and used to profile/fingerprint such as MAC Address, SN, IMEI, ICCID of your SIM, etc…
My ssd is sda (with a sda1 boot partition and an encrypted root partition).
That’s because is a SATA SSD.
Conclusion: Gen Z/Alpha probrally wont be great at computers but there will probrally be many individuals who will be significantly more advanced at computers.
Yeah, I’m Gen Z as well and watching people use Google without knowing what to put in the search box drives me nuts, but that’s why they pay for me so…
I remember telling my dad “Computers aren’t that hard. You just need to read what is the thing saying” and most people won’t even read, let alone comprehend.
The Thinkpad also has access to a game library of (checks notes) almost every single game ever made excluding mainly AAA titles from the 2010s onward.
The same can be said of (Checks notes) a console with a Custom Firmware, plus a cheap TV brand new is around 90 dollars. The thinkpad is only good to play retro games or non demanding titles, also the experience of playing in a 14" display with laptop keyboard and a PS/2 trackpad sucks.
A brand new T490 was over 900 bucks retail depending on the specs, and a used one is still less cost effective than, let’s say, a used PS3 or PS4…
Mac OS Mavericks went EOL 5 months ago. I would strongly recommend that you move to something still getting security updates.
Yeah, Monterey. Not Mavericks.
Did you even read that I use Monterey?
You are right, it is not very POSIX compatible anymore. I stopped updating my Mac at Monterey simply because they started doing what seems like a walled garden approach for their operative systems, for the software releases and installing binaries from non-approved sources makes you jump through hoops and is necessary to disable their crap most users won’t touch. But this is not even that old, IIRC it started going downhill when Mac OS X Mavericks was released.
Both being POSIX compatible doesn’t make them related, is just a standard way of deploying portable operating systems from the early days.
I can’t stop reading it as equis de (the Spanish pronunciation)
Damn I remember hearing this a lot like 15 years ago.