First step install the old ass compiler version this can be built with.
First step install the old ass compiler version this can be built with.
On iOS for example it’s also hard. Every app has its own silo of files and then there’s a shared file system. The file manager app is far less capable than Finder on macOS.
Cars also used to be a lot less reliable. Knowing how to change a spark plug for example used to be common knowledge.
Falcon 9 flew 2010 for the first time. ESA’s Themis hasn’t had its first flight yet more than a decade later. Until this rocket is ready another few years will pass. That means europe is 20 years behind the USA in technology. China is ahead of Europe in space technology now.
Germany isn’t even part of Themis.
That’s the utter shambles of Europe’s independent access to space.
Ariane was once a world leader.
Space gun needs to be in space obviously.
Europe also fell behind significantly in everything space. SpaceX has cheap reusable rockets and shovels satellites into orbit by the bucketload.
Europe needs its own Starlink like space infrastructure.
some pretty sick wallpapers
The actual state of Linux distributions.
Latin didn’t have the letter j.
Confused boner
A separate harddrive for backups is lost technology apparently.
Old Mac OS before Mac OS X used :
as path separator Macintosh HD:Users:yourUserName:Desktop:My File.txt
. It’s still used for AppleScript. Converting from and to POSIX paths using /
happens pretty regularly when writing AppleScript nowadays.
That’s also the reason why :
is still an illegal character to use for file names on macOS.
ᛏ in shambles.
Every Boxer variant introduced brings a smile to my face.
The K in KDE stands for kitchensink.