Btw the issue was fixed upstream, Arch and Fedora have updates
If you like what I do, send me some Monero:
Btw the issue was fixed upstream, Arch and Fedora have updates
Tried to debug a flatpak
downloads 6GB of devel stuff, tries to open a file in gdb, cries
Finds out it is a kernel bug.
Tries to get debug logs, even though that stuff is disabled “fOr sEcUrItY hArDeNinG”
(Kernel 6.13 is a mess)
Yeah that would be tails and it is an entire distro lol not just a browser
Not especially secure though
Damn daniel
The fuck is “TailOS”
Also what about
Just to name a few
NordVPN is full of garbage. Use Mullvad, IVPN, Incognet or Tailscale instead
True one can install it on Mint. But at that level, just
Linux mint has no GNOME or KDE variant, so while they fix many Ubuntu issues, they are still on XOrg.
How did this picture happen
This is so absurd, fancy outfit, hair, gun, computer