My apartment is 1 year old.
Contrast the houses around here which pre-date the Great War and tell me why their water works well and mine is this binary pain.
They have two separate taps, though, but that shouldn’t matter. Right? Right?
a 300 dollar computer is absolute shit
You, sir, need to see what an Optiplex 7040 can do.
become * unusable
Also *find a second adverb
I’m surprised I didn’t rupture my spleen when I saw that.
It was in a cinema, too, if you remember what those were.
I couldn’t breathe, and I was all but a puddle on the sticky floor, laughing my adult ass off.
you’ll be able to say you use vi
I haven’t wanted to say that in the 32 years I’ve had the choice.
Mike Tyson?
If you’re writing bash scripts you’re basically replicating a lot of the functionality of systemd
You have that backwards
If you’re writing Systemd profile profile profiles you’re replicating shell scripts but with a lot of spongey unknown “come on, pumpkin” cancer code that you’re only sure will do what you think because you don’t know what suddenly capriciously changed in enterfuckingprize code and boy is your remote server screwed. Fuck me if I need to actually rely on something starting.
No one said sysV is awesome. It’s built to best practice and it does what it does really well, but that’s not a lot. But it does it well. Oh, the days Systemd has ruined trying to work half as well as ; well fuck, every alternative.
The days Systemd doesn’t ruin, it’s the other cancer, network manager and ‘consistent’ naming. And devices that don’t come up. And devices that don’t actually assign a fucking static goddamned address. #youHadOneJob
Spot the parts of enterprise Linux that runs like shit and barely does the same thing twice on two identical adjacent boxes, and I’ll show you some whiz kid who shat out some cancer and went to go work at Microsoft.
So. Anyway, because the reliable stuff came before Systemd’s change-for-lulz setup, you had them in the wrong order unless you have a time machine.
Don’t threaten me with a good time
did u mean mitigate* ?
Did you mean ‘you’?
That’s two words, Genius. Your spell check was correct.
These are facts you will not like.
Let’s look at that, though, as we move from fact to memories and opinions. What I recall is the standard dev kit at the time was VanDyk SSH. That’s all they needed, but they used Mozilla as their mail and web client. They also needed a music player because of course – even if that was extra.
Windows provided all of those, and WinAMP, and it did two things reliably that Unix at the time didn’t: it booted well and it ran music smoothly. It provided a voice-chat client and ran that smoothly as well. The various chat apps of the time, which were probably three but felt like a dozen, also ran well.
In short, the crappy windows default platform didn’t ask for tweaking and gave the user an SSH client on demand. When highly-paid people don’t need to futz with modelines, the company doesn’t lose money it didn’t need to.
I tell you that to tell you this. Linux has grown up from the modeline days, but no distro is free of bizarre junk shoved in by some wunderkinder with more power than reviewers and pushed by a vendor hoping to create the next big thing – without stopping to ask whether it should, whether it’s useful for us. Machines boot a little more slowly and a little less reliably, and there is a non-zero risk that a very valuable dev’s machine will NOT be available when required. Windows has jammed their own shit into the OS - just privacy risk after ad spooge, on and on - but the thing it does well (when it’s not patching) is boot well and allow us to start Putty and WinAMP and Seamonkey.
And I’m not sure whether a reliable start into something with a bunch of ad spooge is better or not.
I SHOULD MENTION that I’m moving my geriatric mom, and others, to linux later this year. She’s ready, even if I don’t relish supporting her from 9 hours’ travel away.
And I love how the gif included was correct and almost perfect English, but every time it’s quoted there’s a different writing error.
Are your parents home?
why nVidia
Why vi? I hope he grows out of it.
Please examine where devops allowed non-system people to be the last word on altering systems. This is a risk that needs block-letter indemnification or correction.
It’s not that devops made ya lazy. I’ve been doing devops since before they coined the term, and it’s a constant effort to remind people that it doesn’t magically make things safe, but keeping it safe is still the way.
Not very many. None of the enterprise ones, at least.
Ha ha
Under-complicated -> over-complicated -> under-complicated.
There’s a ‘just right’ that I think you skipped through.
I see what you did there.
You never tinker with infrastructure. This is exactly why you never test in prod.
You’ll also, one day, discover why you pick distros with excellent rollback – even simulated.
Thank you for helping. I hope it works.