I’m that guy
I’m that guy
Sony actually does contribute. https://christitus.com/sony-playstation-and-freebsd/
Yes, In the US. That is what I meant.
I was just trying to warn OP that it might be taken the wrong way. I know about the differences between English dialects. My favorites are Australian English, South African English, and Ugandan English.
Just to clarify, I didn’t think OP was being insensitive. My question was genuine, and I didn’t think they knew. And yes, there is a lot of unnecessary censorship in the US. You can’t say fuck on TV or the radio. I was listening to a station from New Zealand and that made me realize we’re the only Country that does that. Censoring nipples is fucking stupid too. I really don’t censor myself. I’m told I’m a very outspoken person. The only words I won’t say are slurs because I believe they are actually harmful and disrespectful.
Are you aware that’s a slur?
Fister the People and The Strokers are my favorite. I’ve been making that joke about the Strokes for years now. Truly a great band.
I don’t smoke but I thought they were biodegradable. Can you put them in the regular trash? I thought it was a firehazard. Where I work there are ash trays next to all the trash cans. But thank you for not being a littering piece of shit. I take bottles home and recycle them instead of throwing them away at work. People seem to think its bizzare.
I hate the Big Bang Theory. Autistic people are the punchline.
I wish Windows would support f2fs. I’m tired of formatting drives as fat32 to give files to my sister. Windows somehow manages to corrupt it from unzipping a folder.
deleted by creator
It does if you right click it and run with wine or whatever it says
how so?
good shit
What if the woman is the one doing the fucking?
I used to watch his videos back in the day and I don’t remember the cat fucking. I remember lots of other fucked up jokes that I probably shouldn’t have been laughing at.
Orange man does coke tho