I have a good job too! I mean, every job will have its issues, even good ones (mine is mostly with my supervisor), but the unicorns do exist!
I have a good job too! I mean, every job will have its issues, even good ones (mine is mostly with my supervisor), but the unicorns do exist!
I didn’t realize that was possible
Nothing makes me happy, though!
I picked up exercising pretty consistently since last March. I had never been able to do that so consistently before.
I honestly did it because people said exercise is supposed to improve mental health.
Guess what it didn’t do?
Yup, you guessed it. I also hate it almost every single time I do it. The one time I randomly really enjoyed my exercise routine I was in a bizarrely good mood already before I even started exercising that day. I felt so good like I was on drugs or something.
Guess what it did instead?
Gave me chronic pain and fatigue that goes away if I skip my exercise routine.
Yeah I was in a scenario some months back where people didn’t have access to electricity or gasoline for nearly a week. Some didn’t have access to drinking water. It was mildly apocalyptic. I had never seen anything like that and it was a bit stressful having to work but also not knowing if I’d eventually run out of gas before I would have access to it again. Felt like a mini-apocalypse.
Wait…what the fuck is this?? This is literally exactly how I think and I think about it all the freaking time. Is there a name for this??
There are just so many variables and ways to respond and interact that I manage to select the wrong ones all the time. In an ideal situation, I would stop and weigh the options of every single thing I do and say at any given moment in order to figure out the correct course of action. But that just isn’t feasible. And I never realize when I’m supposed to stop and think until it’s too late.
Like today, I wanted to keep my coworker informed about some case she will have to deal with in the morning. So I sent her a long text after work. But that was wrong and bad because it was bothering someone with a life at home. It was only hours later that I realized that I had an alternative. I could have handwritten out a letter on the case and stuck it where she would see instead of being invasive and bothersome and inconsiderate outside of the workplace.
I have learned some things over time, but sadly there are just an infinite number of scenarios and things and ways I’m supposed to interact and I just can’t figure them all out.
How do I become a better person and stop doing it? I find I am constantly making mistakes and bothering people. I think a solution to this would be to stop interacting with people as a whole so my presence isn’t harming anyone, but that often isn’t really feasible. Like at work I often have to interact with people to do my job for example. Occasionally I have thought about quitting to save people from me, but then I wouldn’t know how to pay my bills. And idk that I’d want to be homeless.
Meat is actually the easiest one because you can just freeze it like you said. Powdered spices are also a complete non issue. It’s fresh produce that I struggle with.
But for example, the recipe I tried called for…
Jasmine rice - could only find it in a whopping 5 lb bag which was ridiculous for a solo person who rarely ears rice. I know rice keeps, but since I don’t at all like to cook, it was very excessive. Even if I were to have made a larger quantity of the meal or make it multiple times, I still would have an insane amount left over.
A clove of fresh garlic - I know you can get powdered garlic or garlic in a jar, but people seem to say that it doesn’t at all work the same, so I wanted to try it the way the recipe wanted you to. So I had a shitton of cut up garlic left over because I could only find whole garlic bulbs at that particular grocery store if I didn’t want to go canned or powdered. Can you even freeze a portion of garlic?
A portion of whole fresh ginger - again same issue as the above problem I had with fresh garlic. Only this one was even worse because ginger rarely present in any of the foods I eat
Etc. for a lot of the ingredients for that recipe.
Yes, I get that you can do some complex puzzles and math to figure out how to use all of these ingredients in different meals without wasting the excess, but that is absolutely NOT for me. That’s a whole additional ordeal and one of the many reasons I hate cooking. I don’t want to have to perform an elaborate game of ingredient/meal chess to avoid significant food waste when I’m grocery shopping. I do enough work at my job and there are still plenty of other annoying tasks to keep up with like cleaning and laundry.
The point is I don’t want to look at any of these as “investments”. That is is an insane amount of work to put into something I hate.
That actually makes up a decent amount of what I eat already. The majority of my diet comes from the frozen food section at the grocery store. I get both the prepackaged dinners and also the precooked meats and “steam in bag” veggies you’re talking about. But on days where I don’t want that, I get takeout as a treat. Most often, I actually order food delivery instead of fast food, but I get fast food now and then too. I’ve actually got into the habit of going to the chick fil a near me because it’s literally a 5 minute walk and they have a good salad. McDonald’s seemed like they stopped selling salads some years back for whatever reason.
One of the points of my previous post is that I don’t care about the cost though because I’m fortunate enough to not be scraping by. I don’t get this takeout or fast food every day, but it doesn’t bother me financially to do it a couple times per week. Plus, sitting in your car listening to music and browsing your phone while someone prepares food for you is hardly a comparison to putting together something yourself. The time might be the same, but the effort is significantly lower which is the point.
My friend with kids also talks about this. She is like I work so hard to cook and even make it simple for them but they still refuse to eat it half the time lol
I just hate cooking. I cannot stand it. It takes so much effort and you have to clean all the mess you made (even cleaning as you go sucks). And then you end up with something that may or may not pan out. And if you’re trying to meal prep then you have to eat the same meal for the whole week which I hate also.
If this was the only thing you’d ever have to do, fine. But the majority of the rest of our time is spent at work or sleeping. We have few precious hours where these things aren’t the case. I hope this doesn’t make me sound too much like an asshole, but I’m fortunate enough to purchase things like pre-prepared foods and get takeout a couple of times per week. So I take advantage of that because I don’t want to spend my few moments of free time slaving away over a stove or cleaning the mess of pots and pans and cooking utensils.
Another this about cooking when you live alone…a lot of perishable foods can only be bought in somewhat larger quantities and then they go bad before you use them all up. I tried to make a recipe out of a cookbook several months ago and I was frustrated at how many things I had to buy a large thing of when I only needed a very small amount for the recipe. Ended up with a lot of food waste.
Racoons are called some variation of “wash bears” in many languages because they like to dip their food in water before eating it!
Shrimp taste very similar to crawfish to me. I can’t really tell the difference. I like both, though.
What the fuck?? How common is this because it is literally me??? I apologize so much and a lot of people don’t know what the fuck I’m apologizing for. Basically I’m apologizing for existing.