@merari42 using flatpak Steam with the library on a non-home drive.
This sucks.
Sysadmin, Unix punk, Technolojesus, and Free Software freak
Pronoun: he/his/him;
Tillie code: 0b00111001
Bit of an SJW. Militant atheist and battle skeptic. Former Devil’s advocate. Devout Saganist.
If you are a Nazi, we can’t be friends.
Admin of mastodon.ml
Доброхотъ. Социальный граф с поместьем.
Все еще босс этой качалки.
Главврач этой больнички.
#fedi22 #fediverse_meta #opensource #linux #unix #lifeblog #russia #music #sysadmin #nerd
@merari42 using flatpak Steam with the library on a non-home drive.
This sucks.
@loonycyborg Irrelevant to this conversation.
@disguy_ovahea we don’t really share a kernel, but we do share the lineage, so yeah, we are cousins. I hate Mac OS far less than I do Windows. My pet peeve about it is largely political, not technical.
@shuro Popularity is not a function of quality is the point here.
Also “competition and coexistance” is an honor system. It only works as long as everybody agrees to play nicely. Which is hardly the case here.
@Honytawk Billions of flies can’t be just wrong, can they.
What are we, some kind of cockroaches, not people, in your opinion?
I don’t understand.
@danc4498 Oh, goddammit, the Lemmy thing fucked up the ASCII art. Whatever, google it.
OMFG: Oh My Fucking God
ROTFLOL: Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud
L \_\_/ [] \\
LOL===\_\_ \\
L \\\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_]
Zoomers… *cracks open a can of zero sugar monster energy*
@RizzRustbolt Associative array here. Aka dictionary. Boring but practical.
@mugdad1 I don’t mix, I’m on Mastodon. I just mentioned @linuxmemes in op-post et voila! Neat, huh?
@mugdad1 Trick is, I’m not on Lemmy.
@RizzRustbolt What’s your fetch modus, warrior?
@possiblylinux127 Or BeFS
@some_guy Thank you!
@slazer2au Yes!
@mogoh I just mentioned the group and it worked!
The way it’s supposed to be!
I’m so happy for this omfgrotflolcopter
@th3rdsergeevich It is my first op-post on lemmy, that’s right.
@30p87 Okay, looks like we *finally* have *actual* groups in Fedi that are compatible across the board.
I’ve been waiting for this for so long, I’ve almost given up all hope.
@linuxmemes Wow, that worked!
@Montagge As unpleasant it is to admit, shitty people that exist on this planet, are people too, and they also use computers. The year of Linux desktop must logically mean that it’s used by everyone, regardless how much of a piece of shit they are. Being so uncompromising and adolescently idealistic about it doesn’t do us much of a favour in terms of adoption.
On the other hand, a piece of shit with an audience might prove useful.