Just like the brain computers need off-time to calm their electrons and unflip their bits.
/s but a lot of issues really are solved by a reboot
Just like the brain computers need off-time to calm their electrons and unflip their bits.
/s but a lot of issues really are solved by a reboot
I’m too octal to understand this meme
Arch is simple, but not easy.
Other distros might be easy, but not simple
Nvidia connected all six cables like they were one and have no way to measure or balance the load across all six.
They used to do load balancing on the 30 series, treating it as 3 cables basically (3x2 cables).
It’s way easier to install the Magisk module someone else made than build it myself.
Yes, microG works without root, however to get it working as a network location provider you either need it installed as system app (for example LOS4microg) or patch android to allow non-system apps for providing network location.
There’s an official patch, also mentioned in the Install Guide and it’s basically the reason for microg_installer and its revived fork existing.
I could use LOS4microg, which does include the patch, but builds are run much less frequently (once a month instead of weekly) and I’d rather stick to original Lineage.
Thanks for pointing out charging control, I wasn’t aware of that new feature. One more reason to upgrade LOS my phone
I also do that because it lets me
I don’t use Ubuntu personally, but it was great to automate for deployment in a corporate setting.
Yes, Debian has some agnostic unattended install, but writing basically cloud-init is just so much better.
Works for me on Arch btw