sudo nixos-rebuild switch --update
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --update
But is that desirable? I’d rather break things in favor of something better, and provide a way to make the old thing run, than be stuck with ancient baggage
Also, while that’s true for software, compatibility for old hardware is horrible under Windows
Depends, did he change and grow as a person?
This is good, a peace-focused aircraft carrier can do a lot for disaster relief. Just make it nuclear with onboard large-scale desalination plants, oh my
Usually hardware support
Bottles does often work, but my go to if often just to add them to Steam as a non-steam game, and let proton figure it out
Then you just need to forget everything you know… Traumatic head injury?
Oh for sure, doesn’t stop schools from trying
Source: 2000s kid that regularly had to watch stuff on these in the 2010s
So it’s period correct for an underfunded middle school in the 00s
You’ll have a nice, long life followed by countless aeons witnessing the slow heat death of the universe
I thought so, but I’ve heard even more deranged takes said with full sincerity
Missing /s?
Or are you legitimately saying there are no bad games?
If it doesn’t run it’s your own fault?
If you think it’s badly designed, bland and uninspired, that’s on you?
… please elaborate